Thread Number: 13789
Need Hose and bags for Electrolux LX
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Post# 146176   8/7/2011 at 14:09 (4,814 days old) by sfcoronet (San Francisco - Bay Area)        


I just bought an Electrolux LX for $5 at a garage sale, but it didn't have a hose and only came with one bag - I was wondering if someone could tell me if they had an extra hose that would fit this model or where I might look other than Ebay. Also, what bags fit this model and where are they available? Does anyone make a reusable cloth bag?


Post# 146177 , Reply# 1   8/7/2011 at 14:24 (4,814 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
Nice 60

compactelectra's profile picture

Here's what a close to original hose looks like.  With the machine (found new in the box by Hans Craig and now owned by Tania Voight.)  Good luck finding one, they aren't easily found in good condition.  You can get a replacement hose (see link below.)  It won't be close to original though.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO compactelectra's LINK

Post# 146179 , Reply# 2   8/7/2011 at 14:53 (4,814 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
Check Out This Thread

compactelectra's profile picture

On Tania's 60.  Has a lot about the hoses for these machines.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO compactelectra's LINK

Post# 146203 , Reply# 3   8/7/2011 at 17:38 (4,814 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

The LX uses style C bags which are readily available.  The LX was the first Electrolux to uses disposable "wrappers" as they were called at first, and every subsequent Electrolux model continued using the same bags except for the newest Guardian models.

Post# 146424 , Reply# 4   8/9/2011 at 15:03 (4,812 days old) by sfcoronet (San Francisco - Bay Area)        
Found on Ebay

Here's a hose I bought on eBay - looks pretty nice!

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