Thread Number: 12441
New Vacuum Finds
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Post# 133016   4/18/2011 at 22:52 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Hi You Guys! Here are some of my newest vacuum finds over the last several weeks. Most of these Eureka's are from the 1980's with the exception of the Bicentennial model. The Bicentennial Eureka was a gift from a dear collector friend of mine. The wild moss Eureka 625 was a Craigslist find. The Eureka Ultra and the navy blue ESP I got off of Ebay. The pastel Eureka ESP was from Rick A. I got this on my last visit to St. Louis. Here are some pictures to enjoy!

Post# 133017 , Reply# 1   4/18/2011 at 22:55 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Here is my favorite of the Eureka 625 in wild moss green. I love the color and it was in great shape when I got it. It came from a guy who worked at a nursing home in Chicago. It runs great!

Post# 133019 , Reply# 2   4/18/2011 at 22:59 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Here is the pastel ESP. This vacuum is a beast on carpets and I love the pretty floral print on the bag. It is from around 1990/91 and some of you might remember when those floral pastel colors were really in style. Especially as a print on sofa's and such.

Post# 133020 , Reply# 3   4/18/2011 at 23:00 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Close up of the bag

Post# 133021 , Reply# 4   4/18/2011 at 23:00 (5,051 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Wow! Beautiful vacuums and beautiful dish washers!

Must be a fun house!

The moss green 625 is amazing! What a find for sure!

Post# 133022 , Reply# 5   4/18/2011 at 23:02 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Here is the Bicentennial Eureka. It has almost no scratches and it runs beautifully!

Post# 133023 , Reply# 6   4/18/2011 at 23:03 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Here is a close up of the bag design. I love the eagles and liberty bells on it!

Post# 133024 , Reply# 7   4/18/2011 at 23:06 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Here is the Eureka Ultra in action! It is very smooth and while it's design is a bit too modern for my usual liking, I think it is a neat machine!

Post# 133026 , Reply# 8   4/18/2011 at 23:10 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Lastly, here is the navy blue ESP. I do not know very much about this particular model. I don't know if it was a promotional model or a showroom model maybe? I have never seen one in a catalog or on Ebay or anybody's collection. This runs great and I love the color combo of it. One of the prettiest Eureka ESP's in my opinion.

Post# 133028 , Reply# 9   4/18/2011 at 23:13 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Here is a closeup of the hood. Sorry about the crooked picture.

Post# 133045 , Reply# 10   4/19/2011 at 00:19 (5,051 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Fabulous finds, Stephen!  Great assortment you have there.  You must bring that Eureka Ultra to the Convention... I've never gotten to play with one in person!   You have a very nice collection!  Thanks for sharing your new finds!



Post# 133047 , Reply# 11   4/19/2011 at 00:22 (5,051 days old) by automatic-shift ()        
Love the liberty one

I don't know that I've ever seen a liberty-print bag before. Very nice.

Post# 133048 , Reply# 12   4/19/2011 at 00:22 (5,051 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Yeah, that bag is somethin' else! 

Post# 133053 , Reply# 13   4/19/2011 at 00:31 (5,051 days old) by eurekaboy (Raleigh,NC)        

eurekaboy's profile picture
Thanks Fred! I will definitely bring it to Minneapolis! It runs great and it is very smooth to push. Plus it cleans and grooms the carpet very well!


Post# 391009 , Reply# 14   4/25/2018 at 02:46 (2,488 days old) by TheSpiritOf76 ()        
I just found this same model.

but with one difference, mine has the two speed ESP switch in the handle. Mine is dated 1978. Anyone else have one of these??

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Post# 466764 , Reply# 15   10/13/2023 at 17:08 (490 days old) by Paul (USA)        
Re: Reply 14

Below is a 1980 newspaper ad of the Eureka model 2084, which debuted in 1979, along with web photos that match the cleaner in reply 14. The 2084's royal blue hood color is unique in that era. Others had similar blue-colored bases with white enameled hoods. It was one of the first to be equipped with a VG-II brush roll.

I wonder if the cleaner shown in replies 8 & 9 with the toe switch instead of the handle switch and lacking a hand grip is just a different type or a different model?

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Post# 471039 , Reply# 16   5/3/2024 at 08:47 (287 days old) by Paul (USA)        
Similar ESP Model to Model 2084

Does anyone know the model number of the ESP that similar to the Model 2084—but with a 4-way Dial-A-Nap and presumed VG due to the omission of VG II on the nameplate? That orange-and-white color scheme was used in the mid-to-late 1970s. The photo was originally posted by Opelgtkarl.

I wonder, too, if the chrome handle and bag cover are original? If so, maybe it's a commercial model.

Btw, the blue-and-white one in the background is the Model-Type 2085-A—also from the mid-to late 1970s. I hadn't noticed before that the side vents were added to that wide-style hood just as the top vents were added to the classic-style. This brings to mind another question: was there a motor change that prompted the addition of the vents, or were the vents just repositioned for better cooling?

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Post# 471042 , Reply# 17   5/3/2024 at 10:27 (287 days old) by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)        
ESP Commercial

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Yep, I still have it. I think it’s a 1978 as I recall. It’s still in storage. The orange bag is the original bag that it came with. It’s a dump bag setup, so no paper bag system. I believe that you are referring to the 1976 Eureka line with the blue and white machines, which were reissues of the green and white line that went with the Vanguards in 1972. The model numbers carried over and the model up from the 2085 was the 2042. I included the 1976 Eureka lineup brochure as well as the ad for the Commercial ESP.

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Post# 471046 , Reply# 18   5/3/2024 at 13:36 (287 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Beautiful machines. My grandparents had a 1931 AT while I was growing up; not sure of the exact dates but I'm sure it was from the early 90s at the very latest.

I remember back when this thread was started (2011), it was still possible to find F&G Eurekas pretty easily in thrift stores. And they were cheap! Nowadays it's nearly impossible to find a good old Eureka or Convertible, at least in Phoenix. Been thinking about about that a lot recently. A vacuum from the 70s is now half a century old.

Post# 471047 , Reply# 19   5/3/2024 at 13:52 (287 days old) by Paul (USA)        

Oh, good, I didn't know you were still around—thanks for responding!

Not being too familiar with Eureka's commercial uprights, I am rather surprised that some of them, like yours, were the same colors as their contemporaries in the household line. Until now, I've only seen photos of the earlier gray models (248, 2045 & 2055) and some later ones with the black bags and bright yellow hoods. So, I appreciate the education of the C2066's sales sheet, the model number information and the 1975 (?) poster.

I've also seen some of your other photos and posts over time, which reveal your Eureka expertise. So do you happen to know what the differences are among the Model 260 types (-B, -BK, -D, -DK)? It seems that the -A just had a different bag marking than the -B, and I know that the -C was made in Canada, but wonder if there was another Canadian type such as the -D? In addition, from what I can tell Types -E and -EK (chrome) had round 2-section handles.

And, do you know if RJ Vanik is still around? In a 2006 thread, 209, someone named Skip mentioned that he was another Eureka expert.

A VL contributor, Nick, and I have been trying to organize the Eureka model timeline and descriptions of the 200, 2000/2200, 1400, 1900, 4000, and 5000 Series, so we're in need of reliable information. Brian (Eurekaprince) has been an awesome resource so far along with a former Eureka employee who is employed at the McLean County Museum of History and some of her former Eureka coworkers.

Please respond on thread 44972 (linked) if you have any information to add.

Post# 471048 , Reply# 20   5/3/2024 at 13:54 (287 days old) by Paul (USA)        

I just reread and noticed that you indicated that the poster is from 1976.

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