New Miele C3 Improper Bag Installation / Dust Filled Bag Compartment


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Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners

New Miele C3 Improper Bag Installation / Dust Filled Bag Compartment
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Post# 459123   1/3/2023 at 07:10 (648 days old)
by vsc (US)    

I purchased a Miele C3 a week ago only to realize that the factory had installed the filter bag such that the bag slot that normally locks into a tab was forced over the tab, thus allowing dirt to flow around the bag into the compartment. The motor protection filter has gobs of fuzz on it along with being loaded with direct where the bag compartment has dirt and fuzz everywhere. This from the factory where the bag appeared to be properly installed and seats before closing the compartment. I didn't inspect the machine to see that the factory had done their job correctly.

Unfortunately it appears that dirt got through the motor protection filter, which makes me believe that the machine will need to be broken down for cleaning. But this is on a new out of the box C3.


Post# 459660 , Reply# 1   1/21/2023 at 19:03 (629 days old)
by ralph123 (Memphis tn)    

Just curious, was it purchased new in a sealed box?

Post# 459856 , Reply# 2   1/30/2023 at 07:34 (621 days old)
by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)    

eurekaprince's profile picture
There seems to be a design flaw with the blue bag holder in the latest generation of Miele C3 canister cleaners. My friend bought a new C3 a year ago and is also having problems with dust and dirt escaping into the bag compartment. She has a tendency to open and close the bag compartment to see if the bag needs changing at the end of a cleaning session and it seems that the blue collar can slide up out of position on its own even when you don’t touch the bag collar. If you don’t slide the collar back down into the proper position, you can still close the compartment cover completely - there is no mechanism to prevent you from closing the cover if the blue bag collar is not properly in position. When you start vacuuming again, dirt and dust leaks out around the hose port and into the bag compartment. I’ve had to bring over a second vacuum to help her clean out her Miele several times in the past year.

My older Miele S8 never had this problem, so I think it must be some cheapening of the bag collar or the blue bag holder in the bag compartment. Miele should consider adding a safety mechanism whereby the motor will not turn on if the plastic collar is not all the way in the holder.

Post# 459919 , Reply# 3   1/31/2023 at 23:16 (619 days old)
by Gmarquez (Central California)    

The reason the bags pull out when you open it is intentional. When the collar design first came out and the bag wouldn’t halfway release consumers were prone to pulling out the entire bag dock, to prevent this Miele made it so that the bag would be halfway released so that when the customer grabs the bag to change it the bag comes out easy without ripping the entire dock off. This design was a big improvement I noticed a lot fewer machines coming in for being used without a bag and for the most part consumers noticed that the bag was popped out since the guide arrows no longer lined up on the machine.

Post# 459922 , Reply# 4   2/1/2023 at 06:11 (619 days old)
by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)    

eurekaprince's profile picture
Still…if it is intentional, then when the bag slides up, you should not be able to close the cover until you slide it back down in place. Many people like to open the bag compartment just to check to see if the bag needs changing. They do not notice that the bag has slid out of the proper position.

If the design causes two problems to happen - either the bag collar is not seated properly or it’s too difficult to pull out, then the whole bag holder design needs to be rethought and overhauled so that the user can easily remove the bag and so that the cover can not be closed and the motor can not be turned on unless the dust bag is in its proper place.

Post# 459989 , Reply# 5   2/2/2023 at 16:24 (617 days old)
by dsmith5195 (Chicago)    

Mine same thing happened. Now it is in the shop for the 5th time period $1700 for a piece of c***

Post# 460064 , Reply# 6   2/5/2023 at 13:16 (614 days old)
dsmith5195 (Chicago)    
Me too with c3 brilliant

I use the original bags that came with the machine and one was bent and I did not notice it and would not lock in place. My miele dealer came and picked it and took it back to the shop, says he disassembled the whole thing and cleaned everything. Thank God it was still under warranty but he showed me that the bag was not in properly which those bags Never lock in place. Got it back and it looks like new. But that blue holder needs to be redesigned. Best of luck with repair.

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