Thread Number: 6452
Ohio Tuec info
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Post# 71628   6/8/2009 at 14:44 (5,730 days old) by ridgidvac ()        

How good are the Ohio Tuec vacs? Who makes them?

Post# 71630 , Reply# 1   6/8/2009 at 14:56 (5,730 days old) by ohio_tuec ()        
Ohio Tuec

Ohio was made by The United Electric Company, in fact that's where the name "Tuec" came from. They started with central vacuums, and offered uprights sometime after that. Early models (like Stan Kann's 1911 model) had a pull chain switch. How much I would love to find one of those! Later models had a handle-actuated switch that started the motor when the handle was released. The motor cap on my model 5 even boasts it is "The Cleaner with the Self-Starter." They have the best suction of any straight-suction vac I've ever owned! The brush on the underside is driven by one of the wheels via a small belt. A full line of attachments were offered with the cleaner. I believe upright production ceased somewhere around 1928. They still offer central vacuums and supplies today. I recently emailed the company about their uprights, but alas got no reply.


Post# 71635 , Reply# 2   6/8/2009 at 15:17 (5,730 days old) by vintagehoover ()        

'Cleans Without Beating and Pounding' - does anyone know what year this slogan was first used? Unless it was introduced after 1926, this claim is surely a dig at Hoover's motor-driven revolving brush, NOT the Agitator.

Post# 71647 , Reply# 3   6/8/2009 at 16:19 (5,730 days old) by tristar ()        

Jack, they could also mean it cleans your rugs without having to take the thing outdoors and beat it with a rug beater too!

Post# 71651 , Reply# 4   6/8/2009 at 16:38 (5,730 days old) by ohio_tuec ()        

Yeah, that ad was definitely pre-1926. I'm thinking maybe 1920 or '21. I've never seen it, but I wonder if there was ever a color ad showing the red band around the motor. After all, one of their slogans was "Look for the cleaner with the red band...."

Post# 71652 , Reply# 5   6/8/2009 at 16:38 (5,730 days old) by vintagehoover ()        

Possibly...although plenty of manufacturers did take swipes at the revolving brush. And then rushed to copy it when Hoover's patent expired, and began attacking the Agitator instead! Then later still, copied that!

Post# 71656 , Reply# 6   6/8/2009 at 16:54 (5,730 days old) by vintagehoover ()        

Thanks, Karl...would colour-ads have been commonplace at this time? I don't recall seeing any Hoover ads in colour until around 1926, when they adopted their trademark black and orange colourscheme!

Post# 71729 , Reply# 7   6/9/2009 at 14:32 (5,729 days old) by ohio_tuec ()        

Not necessarily commonplace, I'm sure they cost quite a bit more, but they did exist. I just found this full-color Eureka ad, circa 1924....

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