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Yard/Garage/Rummage/Estate/Moving Sales
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Post# 470595   4/9/2024 at 23:01 (281 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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Do you go to these kinds of sales and have any luck with them?
When are they usually held/when do you tend to go?

I tend to go to the estate sales pretty frequently, mostly just to look at the houses. I try not to buy much and usually I don’t find much to buy anyway that I want.

Around here I’ve noticed the companies that run these sales (there’s about a half dozen or more) tend to run the sales Thursday-Saturday and typically Saturday is half off day to clean out the leftovers.

I will sometimes go to them on my lunch break if they’re close enough to work. Sometimes I’ll return on the last day if I was interested in something but felt it was overpriced. One guy that runs the sales only does them Thursday-Friday.

I remember in the past sometimes people would start the sale on Friday evening to give people a chance to stop by on way home from work, I don’t see this anymore.

When I was a kid and we had yard sales, we’d usually go Friday to Saturday or Friday to Sunday. I remember Saturday was usually the best day as that was when people traditionally go yard saling. Friday you tend to have more people at work, and Sunday was usually slower in the morning as most folks tend to sleep later/spend time with family or go to church on Sunday morning.

What brought this on was I was driving home Sunday afternoon and took the back way home. I saw an estate sale sign dated 4/6-7 8-5. I figured it was Friday to Saturday and already over, but looked down and sure enough was Sat-Sun so I stopped by. Ended up getting a nice brass table lamp with two pull chains and black shade and a wooden board game. :) Sure was unusual to see a Sunday estate sale though.

Post# 470598 , Reply# 1   4/10/2024 at 08:06 (281 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
i like them, rarely go.

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I'll go to see the house as well. When I go to N. Canton to see Tom Anderson, we usually go.   Once, near me, I went to the end of the sale, I purchased a French chair.... in need of reupholstering, etc.  But, I got a great deal on an exquisite  item.

Post# 470719 , Reply# 2   4/15/2024 at 13:07 (275 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
There was a sign for one in my neighborhood this weekend, but it didn't include an address. I might have gone, but I didn't feel like hunting for it. No great loss. It's not like I have room for much more stuff, especially since a friend dropped off a 59-volume set of Britannica encyclopedias at my house a few days ago. I've never seen so many yearbooks, Medical and Health Annuals, and Science and the Future yearbooks. I didn't even know the latter two were a thing.

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