Thread Number: 45436  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Stanley Bostich Pro 6 Pencil Sharpener
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Post# 470394   3/31/2024 at 12:11 (196 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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I got this at Habitat week before last. Passed it up the first time then decided to go back for it.

To me it’s comically large, seems like it would be for some place where it gets used all day! The base plate is cast metal and it claims a “fan cooled motor”. It’s definitely the largest sharpener I’ve ever seen. It goes for $70 on Amazon, I can’t imagine paying that much for a sharpener.

I have seen a few of the vintage Panasonic electric sharpeners around.

I used to collect the small sharpeners as a kid. There is an old Boston hand crank sharpener mounted to the shelves in the hall closet. My dad had gotten it when they were discarding it at a school. I remember as a kid the hand crank sharpeners seemed to break off quite often at the wall mount, but this one hasn’t.

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Post# 470490 , Reply# 1   4/5/2024 at 22:39 (190 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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This would be something for a teacher's lounge or office back when offices used pencils. I have one bigger than this that can do about 10 different sizes. I found it at Goodwill about 15 years ago and I just can't seem to get rid of the thing.

I love the smell of these old pencil sharpeners.

When I was in elementary school the teachers would go nuclear if a kid would stick colored pencils in the sharpener, it would end up destroying the sharpener and they'd have to buy a new one.

Post# 470521 , Reply# 2   4/7/2024 at 09:17 (189 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

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My pencil sharpener is an old ACCO from the '40s or '50s. It came out of my grandparents' house, and I grabbed from my parents' when they were downsizing. It doesn't see much use, as I mostly write with a keyboard.

Post# 470528 , Reply# 3   4/7/2024 at 14:03 (189 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        
colored pencils in the sharpener

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I don’t remember that being an issue but I seem to recall some sticking CRAYONS in it and really making a mess.

Of course I always wanted one of those extra large 64 packs of Crayola crayons with the built in plastic sharpener, that in reality didn’t seem to work very well.

It always seemed too, that sharpened colored pencils liked to keep breaking off after they were sharpened when the original point wore down.

Post# 470551 , Reply# 4   4/8/2024 at 09:37 (188 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
When I taught in Catholic elemantary schools,

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we went through pencils like crazy.  We had the non-electric, rotary sharpener attached to the wall.  Now, my college English students take a lot of tests.  They are to use pencils.   I buy them in bulk at Ollie's. I have a very powerful sharpener in the room.  It gets a  lot of use, still.

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