Thread Number: 45389  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
looking for a kirby D.S. 80
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Post# 469994   3/5/2024 at 22:12 (221 days old) by vacuser (milford,ohio)        

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looking for an affordable D.S. 80 kirby.don't really know why i got rid of mine several years ago. DUH i guess.

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Post# 470004 , Reply# 1   3/6/2024 at 16:05 (221 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

I hope you find one (and I hope I do too). This is one of the models of Kirby vacuums that continuously eludes me. I actually got one on eBay but then the seller tried to extort me for $150 more dollars to ship it and I said hell no, and they canceled my order and then put it back up for sale for the exact same price and somebody else bought it. I left them negative feedback but they must have paid eBay to remove it for them because it was gone within a week.

I've not found another one since. I'm certain its because of "The Brave Little Toaster" movie why a lot of people want this model of Kirby.

Post# 470008 , Reply# 2   3/6/2024 at 20:12 (221 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

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Have a single owner with all the attachments. It has original everything except roll o waxer. I'm more than willing to sale it at a fair price
. Email me @ put ds 80 in the subject line.

Post# 470023 , Reply# 3   3/7/2024 at 13:38 (220 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
I found one free on our local Craigslist recently, but I didn't pursue it. I was in one of my "I can't pick up every vacuum I see" phases at the time.
I have no idea what kind of shape it was in, but it was gone fast!

Post# 470064 , Reply# 4   3/11/2024 at 11:50 (216 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

Hope you found your D80. If you get the one from Les, it will be a good running machine.

I have one now residing in the kitchen awaiting a resto.

Anything put on CL for 'free' will be like a chicken thrown into a pool of piranhas.
The vac could easily been picked up by a scrapper or a construction worker needing a disposable vacuum. Or the poster gave up.

I made the mistake of doing this once with a DLP TV.
After a month of being listed on CL for $5 with no responses, I offered it for free. Dozens of time wasting emails and texts. Rarely a response back and lots of "I'm coming now' BS. People were clicking on everything in the post trying to lay a claim on it, including the 'report this post' button which resulted in the takedown of the post.
In the end I ended up trashing it. Never again would I offer anything for free on CL.

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