Thread Number: 45368  /  Tag: Recipes, Cooking Accessories
My Cobalt Blue Line
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Post# 469824   2/25/2024 at 08:31 (221 days old) by RainbowD4C (Saint Joseph, Michigan )        

rainbowd4c's profile picture
I have always loved the Cobalt Blue color. KitchenAid had an entire line and all I am able to get are these three pieces. I look everyday on eBay to see if anything is there. I would love to find the toaster.

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Post# 469826 , Reply# 1   2/25/2024 at 09:00 (221 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Nice, good luck. I had a similar idea working in a kitchen store, I went with all black as I wanted more neutral. Good toaster,we sold a few, those blenders had come backs, the coupler fails. Be careful, though they're probably is a replacement part now.

Post# 469829 , Reply# 2   2/25/2024 at 12:23 (220 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        
Cobalt blue KA

fan-of-fans's profile picture
Those look great with your cabinets and floors which are very nice by the way.

Sometime back (probably a year or so) I actually saw the cobalt blue toaster in a thrift store here that tends to get on lots of small appliances. It’s long since sold though. :(

There are replacement couplers for those blenders, I actually night the black version of that blender at Habitat and it actually had a new replacement coupler in the jar in a bag with instructions on how to replace it. It was a genuine Whirlpool service part, but generics likely exist too. I know you can get replacing gaskets to as I had to order one before. I’d recommend getting a clear one as the black one I got left pepper like specs in my shakes. LOL

Post# 469845 , Reply# 3   2/25/2024 at 21:20 (220 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
My grandmother had a blue Kitchenaid mixer from probably the '50s. It was a somewhat lighter shade than Cobalt, much like the one in the link below, but with the color scheme reversed. I've always wondered what became of it.


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