Thread Number: 45341  /  Tag: Major Appliances
Oreck air purifiers, do they really do anything?
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Post# 469608   2/15/2024 at 08:05 (231 days old) by adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        

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Hey guys I just got out of my Oreck air purifier and I have it running in my room on low, I’m not actually sure if it does anything, but I have noticed in a completely dark room you can see the Corona wire is glowing a very slight purple so I think that means that the high voltage section works Although I do wonder, do these actually really do anything? I mean yeah sure I picked up mine used and it actually did do a good job at removing the bushfire smoke from when we had a bushfire just over the border a couple years ago, and I have been rinsing the filter thing out whenever I did use it, but I guess I’ll probably have to let it run and see how it does

Post# 469612 , Reply# 1   2/15/2024 at 14:48 (230 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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We used to have a couple of these Orecks until they both had died. I know they weren't like the best but they definitely did helped trap alot of dust especially with the Ionizer feature that killed the living germs.

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Post# 469632 , Reply# 2   2/15/2024 at 21:59 (230 days old) by adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        
Oh cool, looks like I’ve got a slightly newer version,

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The same one that was shown on TV commercials with a box full of smoke

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Post# 469683 , Reply# 3   2/18/2024 at 13:46 (227 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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I have two older models, one of the first ones, I found at Goodwill. They need to be cleaned out, but judging by how much crap is packed in them, they do work.

You have to clean the truman cell with a distilled water rinse and they also have a special spray that cleans it further. Let it dry then stick it back in.

Post# 470196 , Reply# 4   3/19/2024 at 06:28 (198 days old) by adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        
Wait, am I supposed to use distilled water? Only?

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I put it in the dishwasher

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