Thread Number: 45323  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Hoover Tri Pan electric skillet - local pickup Plano TX
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Post# 469418   2/9/2024 at 10:00 (341 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

Saw this at the Grace Bridge resale thrift store at Parker and Ave K on Wed in Plano.
Did not have my camera then but do an image search.
It looked nice, was complete and had white lid with design.

Priced at 24 bucks but they often (and usually and always on Wed.) have the entire store half off.
Not sure how collectable or desirable this is but thought I would put it out there in case someone is interested.

This store has a variety of stuff but mostly clothes. This is one of the few stores that will bargain with you, the more you get.

Post# 469423 , Reply# 1   2/9/2024 at 14:31 (341 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
That's cool.
I don't know if it was the same model, but I just recently saw my first Hoover electric skillet at our local Savers.
It too, had a white cover, with sort of a vine design, if I'm remembering correctly. The cooking surface was stainless steel.
It was only like $8. But, I don't have room for every small appliance I see. And, it had quite a bit of burnt on grease on it. I know, people have posted advice on how to remove that. But, it never works for me. I guess I'm doing it wrong.
I did think it was cool though. Did Hoover actually make them? I thought the one I saw resembled a similar era GE skillet.

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