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Antiques Roadshow
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Post# 468981   1/26/2024 at 03:01 (386 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

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Has anyone ever seen vacuum cleaners or carpet sweepers on the Antiques Roadshow? Is there a reason for them not being ever featured?

Post# 469225 , Reply# 1   2/3/2024 at 23:23 (377 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

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I think one of the Leasure sweepers was on once.

There was a Clements Packard on Pawn Stars, with the round bag top. It was given a value of $100.

Post# 469250 , Reply# 2   2/4/2024 at 18:14 (376 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

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Oh wow, I'll have to look up those episodes, I never seen them.

Post# 469346 , Reply# 3   2/7/2024 at 03:20 (374 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Couldn't find the Leisure Sweeper. Did find the Clements vacuum one....on TikTok (puke)

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Post# 469554 , Reply# 4   2/13/2024 at 04:06 (367 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        

What I see mostly on AR are items that you might see at an auction. The paintings are often valued in the thousands,not all but a lot. Furniture from the 16th century,jewelry from way back,pottery,vases,fine china,you name it.

Then you get the unusual like the lady whose husband collected fancy shoe buckles that are difficult to put a monetary value on, I think she brought 400 pairs to the show. Kids toys from early 20th century. People who had relatives that worked for royal families or presidents or leaders,etc often developed a friendship with these people and were given tokens of appreciation. A Christmas card with a hand written greeting from Winston Churchill was valued at 250.00.

As much as we enjoy our collections of vacuum cleaners,mixers,fans and the like,they don't seem to enjoy the same popularity and increased value with age as what people bring to auction or shows like Antiques Roadshow.

Post# 470315 , Reply# 5   3/26/2024 at 08:58 (325 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
AntiquesRoadshow Update


Surprise Surprise! There was a gentleman pushing a turn of the century vacuum across the huge lawn at a 16th century castle. He was struggling and the host went over to ask if she could help. So he stopped, long enough to catch his breath. He was on his way to the location where he was to meet with a camera person and someone connected with the show.

I didn't catch the name but it wasn't like Hoover or Eureka. Two people required to use this cleaner. One to turn this big wheel that moved a huge bezel that created the suction for the hose the other person used for vacuuming. This episode was ending so they ran the credits and played the music as the two pushed the antique across the grounds into the sunset. So I'm keeping an eye out for that episode. They don't run sequentially in reruns unfortunately. So it does happen,rarely but hey!

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