Thread Number: 45246  /  Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Need to sell vacuums this year (2024)
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Post# 468696   1/14/2024 at 16:09 (272 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        

kirbycollector's profile picture
I have around 100 vacuums in my collection. I am going to be moving this year, and would like to reduce my collection by half before doing so. I am going to list all machines I want to sell below. If anyone has any interest, feel free to comment or email me, I’ll send photos and or videos, and then shoot me an offer.)

The machines:

Kirby Heritage II Legend (1988, all original and in good shape)
Kirby Generation 3 (1990, upgraded with some newer parts)
Kirby G4 (1996, all original and in very good shape, buffed)
Kirby Gsix (2001, Franken-Kirby with a few mismatched parts)
Kirby Gsix (2002, all original and in decent shape)
Kirby Sentria (2007, all original and in decent shape)
Kirby Sentria (2007, all original and in decent shape)

Hoover PortaPower QS (in okay shape, dirty, has attachments)
Hoover Windtunnel Ultra SP Mach 6.1 in Green (very good shape)
Hoover Windtunnel Mach 2.1 in Maroon (good shape, just needs a belt)
Hoover Tempo in blue (good shape)

Sanitare SC688 (brand new, upgraded with Kirby filltube)
Lavex Janitoral P101 (Sanitare clone, brand new)

Electrolux Model XXX (1953, in great shape, canister only, no attachments or hose)
Electrolux Diamond Jubilee (1984, in good shape, canister only, no hose or power nozzle)

Kenmore Elite Direct Drive (in kind of rough shape and heavily used, giving away for free)

Lindhaus Activa 30 (good shape)

Amway CMS 1000 (1990, in good shape, just needs belt)

Rainbow SE (1990, in decent shape but doesn’t run, has power nozzle and some attachments)

Royal Pro Series Handvac (in okay shape, dirty, and runs a little dry)

If I think of any more machines, I’ll add them down in the comments. Hope everyone is having a good 2024 so far!

Post# 468724 , Reply# 1   1/15/2024 at 14:35 (271 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
I moved about 65 machines from Texas to Ohio 3 years ago. its doable. even cross country. I wouldn't downsize just to move, find a place that can accommodate what you have plus a little extra. that's what I did looking for a place to rent. I was looking for a place that had the space for my collection, plus a shop. don't reduce to move, find a place that can fit what you have. look at duplexes and older single-family homes. rent is cheaper there. also stay away from property managed places and look for an independent landlord. you'll thank yourself later.

also a 26' uhaul plus a trailer could accommodate all that if you have even a moderate amount of other stuff as well.

Post# 468733 , Reply# 2   1/15/2024 at 17:49 (271 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        

kirbycollector's profile picture
I understand what you’re saying. But, made a promise to my Fiancé that I would downsize. I simply don’t want to burden her and overcrowd the house with machines. She said I would never burden her, but I’m doing it out of respect, and the money I make will go towards us getting a house. That is why.

This post was last edited 01/15/2024 at 21:35
Post# 468735 , Reply# 3   1/15/2024 at 20:06 (271 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
How much for the sanitaire?

Post# 468738 , Reply# 4   1/15/2024 at 21:37 (271 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        

kirbycollector's profile picture
Thank you Les! I just sent you a message.

Post# 468739 , Reply# 5   1/15/2024 at 21:40 (271 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        
Machines I forgot to list:

kirbycollector's profile picture
Electrolux Model 1205 (1968, in okay shape, has hose with pigtail connection)

Dyson Ball Multifloor (in decent shape, dirty and stinky but runs fine)

Post# 468992 , Reply# 6   1/26/2024 at 15:38 (260 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        
Free Machines

kirbycollector's profile picture
At this point, I am willing to just give machines away. I’d like to sell a few, but I will have a large free pile of machines. Just stop by here when convenient to pick something up.

Post# 469288 , Reply# 7   2/5/2024 at 19:23 (250 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        

kirbycollector's profile picture
Dyson Ball Multifloor, Hoover Windtunnel (maroon Mach 2.1), and Hoover Tempo are sold. Rest are still up for grabs.

Post# 469604 , Reply# 8   2/14/2024 at 23:02 (241 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        

kirbycollector's profile picture
I’m giving away machines. Anyone who wants something, let me know.

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