Thread Number: 45170  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Sunbeam Mixmaster 12 speed motor latch...
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Post# 468125   12/14/2023 at 20:55 (398 days old) by bhop (Oakland)        

My neighbor has this beautiful chrome 12 speed; the latch you depress on the stand to release the motor unit was gone though. I took a stab at modeling it in Tinkercad and printing it and my result works OK but I'd love it if someone out there could send me a scan of the part, ideally an .svg file with digital caliper micronometric measurements. Sunbeam was apparently somewhat coy and specific about the shape of this part. If none of that makes sense, perhap someone can push the pin out of the latch. (it's a loose interference fit) and trace the shape or at least photograph it and send me the image. Thanks so much, really appreciate your help in getting this machine back up and user friendly!

Post# 468141 , Reply# 1   12/15/2023 at 11:29 (398 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

Is this the heavy all-metal mixer and base?
If so, do you have the spring for the latch?
I have the metal version and its latch spring is pretty stout, making pin re-assembly difficult (esp with arthritic hands).

Post# 468156 , Reply# 2   12/16/2023 at 11:13 (397 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Several years ago, I got a deal on a chrome Mixmaster with the metal base from eBay. Unfortunately, the seller did a horrible job of packing it, and even left it assembled in the box. When it arrived, the latch on the base was broken as you described. To the seller's credit, he promptly refunded my money and told me to dispose of the mixer as I saw fit. My solution was to find a white plastic base on eBay for a cheap price and to glue the turntable, which had been broken into about three pieces, back together. That 'frankenmixer' was the only one I had for a while, but I eventually passed it down to my niece a couple of years ago, as I now have another all chrome one with the metal base, as well as a chrome Mixmaster Vista with the work light underneath the motor. Interestingly, it has a brown plastic base instead of a chrome one. I've often thought that if I were to get rid of one of the mixers, I'd keep the Vista and put it on the chrome base, even though that was never a factory option.

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