Thread Number: 45131  /  Tag: Small Appliances
New percolator! Looking for the proper filters
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Post# 467829   12/1/2023 at 23:01 (411 days old) by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        

Hey all! So I don't just collect vacuums, I also have an affinity for vintage percolators. I have a pretty good variety, and last week, this Regal Poly Perk followed me home. The style is so 90s, I had to have it! It makes great coffee, but the disc filters I have are too small. I used a basket filter when I made the first pot, but would like to have the correct size in disc if possible. There's measurements on the basket I'd like to be able to see with a filter in there... But maybe that's only possible without using a filter. Any tips? Thank you!

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Post# 467830 , Reply# 1   12/2/2023 at 00:06 (411 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Nice! I agree. Very '90s looking!
I have a little collection of percolators too, including some Poly Perks, but none of that specific shape. How many cups does that one make?
The disc filters that I use in mine are Melitta, and measure just about 3.5 inches across.
My current daily driver is a 12 cup Farberware SuperFast, made in Bronx, NY.
I love the coffee it makes, but I hate cleaning the basket. This is the first one I've encountered where the slots in the metal grab and rip out the bristles of my brush.
Just a thought, and it's past my bedtime, so bear with me.
Could you possibly cut down a basket filter, so it's basically a disc?
If you use this percolator every day, I guess that would be a pain. But, maybe?

Post# 467832 , Reply# 2   12/2/2023 at 00:24 (411 days old) by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
This one is a

10 cup. I have Melitta and Brew Rite filters that say they fit "all models" but I could probably cut some baskets up. Honestly I don't need the measurements on the inside of the basket, I always eyeball my coffee grounds anyway 😆
Ever since I discovered filters it's a snap to clean them, usually I dump the filter and grounds out, hit the basket with a shot of Dawn Power wash, and rinse everything really good with hot water. My Sunbeam has a fine mesh filter in the basket so it doesn't need the discs but I still use them for easy cleaning. I suppose it's all preference!

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