Thread Number: 45123  /  Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Working Kirby Classic III - as-is, or I can rebuild for you
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Post# 467760   11/29/2023 at 13:17 (413 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

I tried this offer on craigslist for many months but got nothing other than a scrapper wanting it for free.
It is in too nice a condition to part out or scrap so I will offer it here before I decide to donate it to my favorite thrift store.

This machine is one of the last whole vacuums I had bought from the Plano Kirby service center that closed down in 2019 after over 40 years of business. I was friends with him and I bought a lot of his excess inventory at the end.

This machine works great and will clean up and restore very well. It would be a wonderful Christmas machine with its beautiful red color.

You can buy it as-is for only $40 to just use as a vacuum or perhaps restore it yourself.
OR I can rebuild it to various levels for you at additional cost.
I repair and rebuild vintage Kirbys as a hobby and I have done quite a few them. Therefore I have the tools and knowledge to get these working like new, providing many more years of reliable performance.
HOWEVER, I am unable to do concourse, show-quality metalwork due to the large machines required to do heavy polishing.

As it is now:
Motor unit was opened up, blown out, and inspected for any faults - none were found.
Unit has a very healthy motor - normal commutator color and next to no wear.
Current draws are confirmed normal for both high and low speeds.
Has original diecast aluminum impeller fan which is in very good condition.
Headlight works and uses replaceable 1156 automotive bulb.
Cord is in good shape and has original ends.
Bearings are getting dry and are a little noisy - normal for this age. Still some years of life left in them though.

Cord hooks are faded but does not affect function. I will see if I have extras.
Handle has good back plate but cord clip is broke (I will secure with a cable tie).
Good handle spring

Brush roll bearings are good, good bristle lengths.
New roller brush belt is installed.

Nozzle bumper is intact with the usual scuffs.
Bag top trim is a NOS item.
Bag trim ring at emtor is missing. I have green, blue, and two shades of brown you can choose from. Sorry - no red in my stock.
Cloth bag is a shake-out/dump style and has been emptied. No foul smells.

A great deal for only 40 bucks - this is not the typical listing of a machine that "worked when put in the barn 20 years ago"...

I can also rebuild this unit to whatever level you want within reason.
I would just need at minimum a deposit of $30 to get started (non-refundable if I start work). Progress photos will be sent to you along the way (or I can do a VL thread).
Below are some sample rebuild packages but I can customize them as you desire...
(totals include deposit)

For a total of $100, I will:
Tear the unit down to the last screw and wash/clean all parts.
Remove and wash out the cloth bag.
Lubricate bearings in motor and in roller brush
Lubricate wheels and height adjustment mechanism.
Replace motor carbon brushes if more than 25% worn

For a total of $200, I will do the items in the $100 package, PLUS:
Replace motor bearings with new OEM Kirby parts.
Replace nozzle decal with a new NOS one
Replace nozzle bumper with a new NOS part
Replace headlight bumper with a new NOS part
New emptor gasket if needed
Polish all aluminum pieces to a bright, clean shine using power tools.
Please note that deep scratches will remain. For an extra $50 I can hand-sand the worst of them out but cannot guarantee perfection.

I have pictured a Classic III that I had rebuilt a few years back with the $200 package (last two pics of the unit inside - never mind the recent dust).

--Options for the $100 and $200 packages (since it will already be apart):
If this will be a daily use vacuum, I suggest replacing the metal fan with a newer Kevlar/Amodal fan which is more durable than the brittle aluminum fan. I can do this for an additional $25 which includes the new parts and labor.
If this is will be a collectible vacuum, I suggest leaving the factory aluminum fan.

For $10 extra I can line the cloth bag with a new Kirby HEPA disposable bag, which will improve filtering and keep the outer bag clean. The bag will empty like it was intended and the HEPA bag will be invisible. However this will need to be replaced periodically, more if you have pets.

Local pickup or can ship for extra cost (est 50-100) in full sized Kirby box from Plano TX 75074.

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Post# 467792 , Reply# 1   11/30/2023 at 18:20 (412 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
I'm not a fan of the classic 3. This vacuum other than greasing bearings it's in pristine edition. I mean that scratch on the nozzle would sand out easily.
If this is running condition tuned up would be like a vacuum off the assembly line.

Post# 469901 , Reply# 2   2/29/2024 at 18:04 (321 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

IF anyone here is interested in this set (esp a local enthusiast), please make me a offer (dont care how much now). My email is in my profile.
Really need to move it out before spring as it is in the garage in the way.

Les, yes it is in great running shape and is easily restorable. I just do not need two CIII's and do not know anyone who wants one.

If no takers I may need to thrift it as-is. I hate to do it as it would likely be used to clean construction debris then trashed. Lots of thrift store vacs here get bought by construction crews for this purpose since they are so cheap and there are so many crews here.

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