Thread Number: 45121  /  Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Fully restored Kirby G6 year 2000 Ltd Edition with all attachments and boxes
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Post# 467757   11/29/2023 at 12:29 (414 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

As much as I like this set, and how nice it is, I have replaced it with a G5 as I liked its color much more. I do not have the space to store the G6 (and I'm partial to the older models) so I am offering it for sale here at a great price (for what you get).

It was fully restored in 2018 by yours truly and still runs like new, just like when I had finished it. It has very little wear on mechanical parts, meaning it was not used much in its life.
Cosmetically it is excellent, even better than the G5 that replaced it.

Below is the VL thread of its restoration.
I never finished the thread as people seemed to have lost interest in it and stopped responding. Therefore I had abandoned it.
Some current pics are below.

During resto, the G6 was completely torn down, all parts washed (if non electrical), electrical parts brushed and wiped clean, all metal polished, bag removed and washed, new Kirby motor bearings installed, and reassembled with care.

All attachments were disassembled as needed and washed, then replaced into their original boxes.
None of these were ever used and have been in the large box ever since.
These include the long wands, hose, basic attachment set, turbo sander, and shampoo set (that I think was used only once). All are like new.

Since restoration, I had used the G6 maybe 2-4 times a year on carpet - not enough to even fill a bag. My home has no pets, 1-2 adults, no pests, and a no-shoes-inside rule.
I will give the machine a cleaning, hand polish, and a new disposable bag before sale.
It will then be ready to give the new owner decades of reliable service.

Asking only 200 for everything.
Local pickup is preferred, but I can ship. However that may add another 100-150 depending on your location. There will be two full sized Kirby G6 boxes, each measuring 16"x30"x8".

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Post# 469900 , Reply# 1   2/29/2024 at 17:55 (321 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

IF anyone here is interested in this set, especially a local enthusiast, please make me a offer. Feel free to email me - it is in my profile.
Really need to move it out to gain space for my G5 set (it currently resides in the kitchen).
Many thanks...

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