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Post# 467389   11/7/2023 at 16:20 (349 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Oh dear. That sound you may have heard was me, falling off the wagon once again.
I say I'm not going to buy any more vacuums, unless it's something to which I have some sort of personal connection. Then, something pops up that I've either never seen in person, or never thought I'd see in person, and I drag it home.
It happened with the Royal metal upright that I bought recently. Now, coincidentally, at the same thrift store, I dragged home a dirty, somewhat beaten and battered little Dirt Devil Broom Vac.
The poor little thing desperately needs some love. But, the instant I saw it sitting there, I said to myself; "Well...that's going home with me!"
Never having seen one in person before, I was shocked at how small and light it is! I expected it to be essentially a Royal, but made of plastic. But, it's much smaller!
The one positive thing I can say about it is that the motor seems to sound good.
I just watched ibaisaic's video of his, to get a sense of how it goes together. Initially, I thought it used a shake-out bag. But, at least the UK version that he had, used a disposable top-fill bag. I haven't had a look inside mine yet. I'm hoping it too uses bags, and that someone hasn't run it without one.
Also, the rear wheels have a bit of "camber" to them. I don't yet know how they attach, and if perhaps an axle is bent or something.
I apologize, but the only picture I have so far, is of the info tag. I can't seem to make out the model number. But, I'll post that here. Maybe someone else can make it out, or at least tell me if you can tell the year from the serial number. Could it be '92?
I'll get some more pictures when I can. In the meantime; is there anything I should know about it? I'm expecting replacement parts to be essentially unobtainium...NLA...etc.
Still, I couldn't resist it. For $10, I figured it was worth it.

Based on other Broom Vacs I've seen in videos, as well as archived posts here, I'm thinking this one is probably a 702. I'll see if the tag is any more legible once I've cleaned it, but I suspect not.

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This post was last edited 11/07/2023 at 19:02
Post# 467394 , Reply# 1   11/8/2023 at 02:32 (349 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        
Hey Barry,

hygiene903's profile picture
As far as I can tell, you're probably right that the model number is 702. First number is uncertain, but I'm pretty sure the other two are 02. The first part of the serial number indicates that it was made in September of 1992 at plant C. The letter I indicates September (I is 9th letter, Sept. is 9th month), 92 is the year, and C is the plant where it was made. Congrats on a nice find!

Post# 467401 , Reply# 2   11/8/2023 at 09:19 (348 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Thank you, Jeff!
After a light cleaning, I think the model number is even less legible now. It almost seems as if the ink is rubbing off. Only for the model number!

It almost seems as if I have a sixth sense about this. In my first post about this vacuum, before I had looked at it beyond a quick once-over in the store, I said that I hoped someone hadn't run it without an inner bag. Wouldn't you know...
Now, with my Royal, the outer bag was nearly stuffed with dirt and debris. In that case, someone had an inner bag in it, but they hadn't fastened it securely enough to the fill tube, and it had popped off.
In the case of the Broom Vac, there was no inner bag in place at all. Fortunately, they didn't use it much in this manner, as there's not a ton of dirt in the outer bag. But, what there is is very fine and very messy.
Like the Royal, this bag will be getting a bath in the tub with some liquid Tide.
I believe what I need to purchase are some Type E bags. It's highly unlikely that anyone makes a HEPA version of that one. Especially, since this vacuum seems to be something of a nearly forgotten novelty.

I'm left scratching my head a bit over the adjustable height handle. Just adjusting to accommodate the height of different users would have been a thoughtful touch by the people at Royal. But, the different height settings of the handle are marked as settings for different types of carpet.
The tallest setting is marked for "Extra plush carpet".
One down, we have "Plush carpet". And, finally, "Normal use".
Below that, are four more notches, marked "Additional". And, the lowest handle height is for "Storage".
I've never seen anything like that before, and I can't imagine how it would work. Could the angle of the handle, based on varying height, cause the head of the machine to contact the floor differently? I don't know. I guess, once it's cleaned up sufficiently, I'll just have to experiment with it!

This post was last edited 11/08/2023 at 10:06
Post# 467407 , Reply# 3   11/8/2023 at 16:20 (348 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        
Ongoing clean-up

justjunque's profile picture
Well, this little guy looks to have been used and abused.
Not too bad, as far as scrapes and scuffs. But, the brushroll was absolutely loaded with some sort of synthetic thread, hair, and dirt. There was even a piece of some kind of plant life. Almost looked like a tassel of some sort.
The belt was there, but it has a chunk out of it, and it wasn't on the shaft.
The housing around the brushroll was caked with what looked like mud, once I liquified it with cleaner. I actually chiseled some of it off with a screwdriver before wetting it with cleaner.
The brushroll bearings turn freely, after removing all the stuff that was twisted around them. I'm sure they could use some grease, but I don't have any. And, I don't want to use oil, and do more harm than good.
The bag got a bath in liquid Tide. That was more filthy than I expected too. This bag is so small, I was able to wash it in the set tub, instead of the bathtub. I gave it a thorough rinsing under the faucet first. Mud came out of the fill tube. Rinsing the bag itself, the water was brown. Then, I filled the sink and soaked and swished it in detergent. Again, a sink full of brown water. It got essentially two washings, and two clean water rinses. Then, out to the drying rack.
I'm going to hit some of the little scuffs and paint transfer with some plastic polish, before starting to put everything back together.
I don't know what this poor thing went through. Maybe, because it's so small, someone let their kids just play with it or something. Perhaps outside?
I'll see how good I can get it, but I'm dealing with a bigger mess than I thought!

Post# 467448 , Reply# 4   11/11/2023 at 00:11 (346 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

on going cleanup-the vacuum could have been used commercially. I have seen those Dirt Devils used in commercial.

Post# 467450 , Reply# 5   11/11/2023 at 08:05 (346 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Wow. Really?
That surprises me. I wouldn't think they were anywhere near rugged enough for that! It seems like a little novelty vacuum, just for light clean-ups.
I don't know if it was commercial use, someone's kid thinking it was a toy, or someone deliberately trying to destroy it. But someone did a number on it. The best way I can describe the caked-in dirt in every nook and cranny, is that it seems like it must have been wet originally; like mud. And then it dried.
Ultimately, I'd like to separate the two halves of the main housing and clean everything inside there. But, it seems there would be no way to do that without cutting the sort of chrome foil "Broom Vac" sticker in half. The seam runs right through the middle of it.
I ordered bags and belts for it. So, I kind of set it aside for now, until those arrive. Then, I'll put it all back together and give it a final wipe down.
If my phone will let me, I'll try to get a picture or two of the finished product.

Post# 467520 , Reply# 6   11/14/2023 at 08:08 (343 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
I found this interesting.
Along with the bags and belts I bought for this vacuum, I also found someone selling the owner's manual, and the additional paperwork that must have come with it when it was new.
In the manual, where it discusses the bag, the first thing it says is that you can use it with disposable inner bags, or use the outer bag itself as a shake-out bag.
As much dirt as I got out of my outer bag, I'm now wondering if that's what its previous owner did. Perhaps they never used inner bags.

Post# 467589 , Reply# 7   11/17/2023 at 13:43 (339 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Well, it's cleaned up the best I can do.
After I bought the correct Dirt Devil replacement bags for it, I found a YouTube video where a guy said he runs some sort of Kenmore upright HEPA bags in his Broom Vac. He didn't give any further details as to specifically which ones are a direct fit though. For now, it has a standard Dirt Devil bag in it.
I gave it a quick run on the braided rug that you see in the picture. The motor sounds great!
Sorry for the lousy picture. If I take a vertical shot, to get the handle and bag in there too, it will post sideways.
Also, I had to position it against the Oreck for the picture. Whatever is supposed to hold the Broom Vac's handle in the upright position, no longer does.

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Post# 467593 , Reply# 8   11/17/2023 at 14:59 (339 days old) by Vinvac (Dubuque IA)        

vinvac's profile picture
Those are great little machines. I have the tool set for mine. Not bad airflow.

Post# 467594 , Reply# 9   11/17/2023 at 17:32 (339 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture

Do you use HEPA bags in yours?
If so, could you tell me what kind fit it?

Post# 467602 , Reply# 10   11/17/2023 at 23:16 (339 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
Hi Barry

I've got three of those and in three different sizes. Crazy! Even the largest is smaller than the regular full size D.D.Deluxe being sold at the same time. Royal was pumping a lot of these out in the early to mid-nineties. How many amps is yours rated at? I have one apart with the motor removed because it shreaks when I turn it off.

The motor looks the same as those used in power nozzles. I may try using a motor from a pn I don't use anymore. A member here has an extensive collection of DD's in all sizes and colors. None of my Broom vacs have height adjustment just supposed to lower the front as you lower the handle to vacuum. One of them doesn't lower the front,I have to press the front down for the roller to make contact with the carpet. So for now I use this machine for stairs,as you would the hand held version.

I'm glad your motor sounds good and looking forward to hearing or seeing yours at the finish line! Bill

Post# 467604 , Reply# 11   11/18/2023 at 08:20 (339 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        
Hi Bill!

justjunque's profile picture
My Broom Vac is 3.0 amps.
Do you mean different sizes physically, or different size/amp motors?
I didn't know that. I've seen videos of a blue version, maybe called a "Pro", but I figured they were all essentially the same machine.
The previous owner of mine had a belt on it that was much wider than the correct factory replacement.
Of course, the belt was damaged and off the shaft when I got it. And I didn't know it was a wider belt until the ones I ordered got delivered, and I put the vacuum back together. That also explains why the bristles are damaged where the wider belt was riding over them. The correct belt was quite easy to install, even just using a screwdriver. I don't have the Royal/Dirt Devil belt tool.

Post# 467606 , Reply# 12   11/18/2023 at 08:39 (338 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Hepa bags

blackheart's profile picture
I hadn't heard of a compatible bag for them till now. My mind went immediately to the U/L/O bags. The connection is just a little looser than the original Type E but a layer or two of tape around the bag tube would tighten that a little.

Post# 467610 , Reply# 13   11/18/2023 at 22:25 (338 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
Hey Barry

Yes I was speaking about their physical size. If time allows I'll peruse the archives for a couple threads posted from members with great photos of their broom vacs plus similar models. I'll let you know when I locate them!

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