Thread Number: 45050  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
pre motor filter or no
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Post# 467149   10/29/2023 at 18:53 (358 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture

Pre motor filter necessary  on  lux olympia  one silverado   super j  ??? I wonder if hte 4 ply  bag is enough  to filter properly in my olympia one ????? I use  a  type C  4 ply  bag and added a  foam pre motor filter in the vac and the bag suctions was  strong.

Post# 467154 , Reply# 1   10/29/2023 at 20:54 (358 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
I bought some of those filters through Aerus a long time ago.
I put one in my mom's Lux Legacy, because her vacuum doesn't get cleaned as frequently or thoroughly as mine do. I don't know if it did much. She does always use the four ply Home Solutions bags. So, the bag chamber really does stay pretty clean.
I was concerned that maybe the filter would restrict air flow to the motor. But, I don't know if that's likely.
Sorry this doesn't really help. I just thought I'd share my experience.

Post# 467155 , Reply# 2   10/29/2023 at 20:57 (358 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Can't hurt. It'd be an extra filter keeping vacuum cleaner inside clean and running better. You may lose a couple cfms but I'd say do it.

Post# 467157 , Reply# 3   10/29/2023 at 21:07 (358 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture

Not  sure  .

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