Thread Number: 45048  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
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Post# 467139   10/29/2023 at 15:46 (358 days old) by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        

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Hey. It's been awhile! As you may know, I got some new LEDs for my Windtunnels and I want to give some updates on them.

Post# 467140 , Reply# 1   10/29/2023 at 16:06 (358 days old) by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        
Hoover Windtunnel Lite U5402-900

royalfan103's profile picture
This one's a 2007 model. One of the last ones before they switched over to those TTI Motors. I do wish to find an Anniversary Windtunnel Supreme and swap the Motor in that out for the Windtunnel Lite's Motor.

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Post# 467142 , Reply# 2   10/29/2023 at 16:19 (358 days old) by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        
Self Propelled Windtunnel U6430-900

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My first ever Maytag Windtunel~ Got this when I was 15. Still going strong after 22 years. Used this Yesterday downstairs, too! From October 2001.

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Post# 467144 , Reply# 3   10/29/2023 at 16:54 (358 days old) by RoyalFan103 (Bremerton, Washington)        
Lastly, my Preferred Windtunnel Twin Chamber

royalfan103's profile picture
A 2003 Model. Barely any videos of this Lowes Exclusive Line. I'll record this later this week. Not as strong as my other 2 Windtunnels with Attachment Suction.

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