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"Nearby" on Craigslist
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Post# 467103   10/28/2023 at 08:50 (350 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Hi all.
With many of us keeping our eyes open for vintage finds and bargains, I can't be the only one who regularly peruses Craigslist.
I can't say when it happened, but for a while now, I get some listings that they call "nearby" that I would consider more of a day trip or more.
I'm in the western MA area, and I'll regularly get listings all over New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, etc.
Searching free vacuums recently, I briefly got my hopes up that I was about to score a gold or yellow colored Hoover Convertible. Then, I saw it was in "North Jersey".
The post was dated six days ago, so I doubt if it's still there anyway. But, if anyone is actually "nearby" north Jersey, I believe the listing is still up. It looked like a lower end Convertible, probably 1970s or '80s, without a headlight. But it was a cool color, (in my opinion) and looked fairly well preserved and complete.
Has anyone else experienced the same thing, with Craigslist telling you things are nearby, when they're really not?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO JustJunque's LINK on Newjersey Craigslist

Post# 467346 , Reply# 1   11/6/2023 at 09:57 (340 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

I am convinced that CL is dead.
I have listed a lot of good stuff for cheap, just to try to clear it out and get some gas money to support my hobbies and scavenging operations.
For 6 months I have not gotten any replies on anything, not even from scammers or low-ballers.
Keep in mind that I am in a very dense city with lots of disposable income.

I have gotten to the point I am giving stuff away to friends and family, or donating to my favorite thrift store if no one needs them.

I never touched 'so-called media', never will due to data abuse. I also despise smart phones - too small, difficult and frustrating.
I looked at some other web sites, but they all 'had' to have your mobile number, which I highly protect.
Therefore CL was my only sales outlet. Easier now just to give the stuff away.

Most of the stuff I had searched for on CL is either priced way too high, or all I see are commercial listings, or posts with every keyword in the world in it so any search brings it up.

Hope CL revives itself, but I seriously doubt it.

Post# 467356 , Reply# 2   11/6/2023 at 14:26 (340 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture

Yeah. There definitely seem to be fewer bargains to be had.
I did score the free Oreck recently, but I had to drive an hour each way to get it. That might not be much for some people. But, with my personal issues, I never usually travel that far.
I hear a lot of talk about facebook marketplace lately. But, I’m not really interested in opening a facebook account. So, if that is where all the good deals have gone, I’m just missing out.

Post# 467365 , Reply# 3   11/6/2023 at 15:28 (340 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

On the plus side for me, less projects to start and not finish and not have space for, lol...

Post# 467392 , Reply# 4   11/7/2023 at 21:24 (339 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I’ve never used Craigslist. I used to look on it from time to time.

Facebook Marketplace seems to be where it’s at these days. I have bought from a local seller once, met up in a parking lot, and had a couple of sellers ship items from out of state as well and haven’t had any issues.

For me there’s often not much of interest on my local listings, but I don’t live in one of the larger metros.

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