Thread Number: 45038  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Replacement Hoover Agitator Brushes
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Post# 467094   10/27/2023 at 17:51 (273 days old) by RonReeland (Granville, IL)        

I have a fair collection of assorted re-bristled Hoover agitator brushes They fit models from the 1930's, 40's, 50's and 60's These are unused re-bristled brushes that my father and I used in our vacuum cleaner repair business during the 50's and 60's.

I believe many are quite rare; almost impossible to obtain on eBay or elsewhere. I would like to list a group of particular Hoover part number brushes for sale here. I would post pictures and set a price. I would like various collectors to have them if they have a vacuum in need of a particular brush set rather than someone purchasing an entire lot.

I think I will stop at my local post office to determine the most economical method of shipment for say a two brush set. That would be in addition to my asking price.
I will try to be reasonable with the price, below what I see on eBay. Does $20.00 per set of two plus shipping sound reasonable?

PayPal has a method of payment called"PayPal.Me". I have not yet used it, but I understand that I can send a link in an email to a potential buyer. They would use it to pay me. Or maybe I could post the link on this forum. I need advice on this payment method as it is entirely new to me.

Is there any interest? I am 79 years old now, and I would like to see these brushes in collector's possession while I am still up and breathing.

I can be contacted at ronreeland"at" Change the "at" to @ of course. Other forums I use recommend the "at" to prevent harvesting of email addresses. Or some forums have private messaging features.

Ron Reeland

Post# 467100 , Reply# 1   10/27/2023 at 20:52 (273 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Is a great price. Gottagetahoover might email you and buy every single one.
Usually when posting items selected the supermarket forum.
There are alot of people and I mean alot of people looking for these.
Best of luck and thanks for reaching out to people who will put them to good use.

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