Thread Number: 45030  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Dirt Devil in germany
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Post# 467039   10/24/2023 at 18:09 (363 days old) by powerstarenergy (Portland, Tennessee)        

powerstarenergy's profile picture
I actually like the Dirt Devil Catalogue in Germany more than here in the US. Now is the time to introduce the Gallery of Wonder, which are the vacuums that I want.

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Post# 467040 , Reply# 1   10/24/2023 at 18:22 (363 days old) by powerstarenergy (Portland, Tennessee)        
Dirt Devil Bibox

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Ps. The Dirt Devil Bibox (which is a bagless vacuum, because it was in the bagless section) totally looks like it was designed to be a bagged vacuum when it was in the concept stage. We can say this because it has the mold of a bagged vacuum. It also happens to look different than the rest of the bagless ones.

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Post# 467069 , Reply# 2   10/26/2023 at 16:00 (361 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
That's a very stylish sweeper!

Post# 467072 , Reply# 3   10/26/2023 at 19:06 (361 days old) by powerstarenergy (Portland, Tennessee)        

powerstarenergy's profile picture
Ikr. I wish Dirt Devil made these products in the United States too. I want to know what an upright in Germany would look like, but they only make canister/stick vacuums because in Europe, hard flooring is more common there. I am sure that it is more complex than that, but my point still stands.

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