Thread Number: 45026  /  Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Does anyone want a Hoover Concept Two?
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Post# 467019   10/23/2023 at 22:53 (329 days old) by vgwpg (Winnipeg, Manitoba)        


I have a Hoover Concept Two that I am looking to part ways with.

I had always loved these units. I absolutely love the brushroll because it cleans terrifically. In addition to that, I was fascinated by the power drive, loved the idea of the on-board Help-Mate hand vacuum (I seriously think that it was genius), and thought that the electronic speed control was cool.
So, when I saw this listed on Kijiji, I just had to pick it up.

I was going to fix it up and keep it in my collection, but I've had it for 2 years now and I just haven't gotten around to it and won't be for a long time due to reasons beyond my control. (My dad not wanting me working on vacuums in his house.) I am also getting pressure from my dad to reduce the size of my vacuum collection, so I have to get rid of a couple.

The motors in both the upright and hand vacuum work. The cord hook is not broken. The brushroll is still in pretty good shape. I also have some spare bags for it.
However, there is an issue with the power drive. It appears to be jammed as the motor cannot spin the drive pulley and it also cannot be spun manually, even with the belt off. The wheels will spin manually if the power drive is not engaged, but the drive pulley just won't. It looks like the axle may be bent and a wheel is rubbing a little, so that could be why, but I do not know. I have never worked on any self-properlled vacuum before. The power cord is also damaged (see picture 8) where it meets the connector that plugs into the vacuums. Also, while the electronic speed control does work, it is touchy.

Do note that it is a Canadian machine, so it is 120 volts and 60 Hertz with a regular North American plug.

I am not sure what its serial number is. I thought that it was on the rating sticker, but looking at the picture, I see that it's not. So I will have to look for that.

I know that it has some issues, so there may be nobody that wants it, but I figured it would be best to post it on here anyway because it would probably end up going into the garbage otherwise and that would make me really sad.

If you or someone you know is interested, feel free to email me.

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Post# 467024 , Reply# 1   10/24/2023 at 09:36 (329 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
great machine, indeed

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

I have a few.


Post# 467284 , Reply# 2   11/4/2023 at 16:37 (317 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

I have this same one. I'd love to have a canadien model for my collection but I fear shipping would be too expensive going across the border.

If you wanted to get a quote and give it away just for the shipping cost I'd be interested in it, but I don't think I could do it if the cost is so high. Last couple times I bought vacuums internationally it was about $50-$60 which was an okay price.

Post# 467327 , Reply# 3   11/5/2023 at 19:14 (316 days old) by vgwpg (Winnipeg, Manitoba)        

Yeah, shipping is ridiculously expensive. :(

I can definitely get a quote for the shipping cost. And yeah, I just want to give it away for the shipping cost. I totally understand if it ends up being too expensive.

Do you have a shipping company that you would recommend? I have never shipped anything internationally before, so I don't know who would be best.

Post# 467335 , Reply# 4   11/6/2023 at 04:31 (316 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Other than USPS, no I don't. I wouldn't know where to look for 3rd party rates if fedex/ups/dhl are too high.

Post# 467376 , Reply# 5   11/7/2023 at 00:57 (315 days old) by vgwpg (Winnipeg, Manitoba)        

Okay, I'll see tomorrow what the rate would be for Canada Post.
Their online calculator said that the package dimensions were to large to ship, so I'll go to the post office tomorrow to see what it would cost while I'm out.
I did look into UPS too, but their rates were too high. I'll contact FedEx and DHL too.

Post# 467430 , Reply# 6   11/9/2023 at 20:01 (312 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

What I've done in the past is use a Riccar Supralite box and add another box to the rear. This would let you lay the machine flat instead of having wasted space between the front of the vacuum and the side of the box. I've never shipped a Concept Two this way, so it might be different. The hand vac would get in the way.

Post# 467532 , Reply# 7   11/14/2023 at 17:10 (307 days old) by Vgwpg (Winnipeg, Manitoba)        

I do apologize that it has been several days. I did mean to go out to check on Tuesday when I went out, but the weather was bad and I didn’t want to go anywhere else that day.
Then I will admit that I completely forgot about it until the weekend, as I was preoccupied with other stuff.

I checked how much it would cost at the post office today, and it would be way too much.
The only option was the standard or express shipping through Canada Post (our equivalent of the USPS) which was $205 CAD or $150 USD for the standard.
That is with the handle attached though, as I do not know how to remove it on models with power drive. Maybe it can be removed? But I don’t know.
So, I know that’s too much for you. I appreciate your interest though.

I appreciate your tip. I don’t have any Supralite boxes or any that would fit the cleaner though, so I just decided to get a new box. But I don’t think it would have much cheaper packaged with multiple boxes.

Post# 467552 , Reply# 8   11/15/2023 at 19:10 (306 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

No worries, Vincent. And yeah that is pretty costly for sure and about 4 times over what it's worth. I'll have to decline the offer, sorry.

Post# 467586 , Reply# 9   11/17/2023 at 10:17 (305 days old) by Vgwpg (Winnipeg, Manitoba)        

Yeah, it is. It’s too bad that shipping costs so much.
Oh yes, of course, I totally understand. I would not have expected you to want it anymore with a cost like that. It most certainly isn’t worth anywhere near that much.

But again, I appreciate your interest in it and your reaching out.

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