Thread Number: 44989  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
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Post# 466763   10/13/2023 at 15:25 (374 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        

So, an Ebay Seller posts an item. It is a bidding set up. It sits there for several days with one bid. That bidder is the winning bid at that time. Next, finally someone else bids. Then the original bidder starts bidding much higher. The second bidder goes higher. The original bidder bids much higher.

I decided to check out additional information about the original bidder and notice something interesting. That bidder bids 100% for items sold by this particular Seller. Are we smelling a skunk? Is the Seller bidding under another account in order to raise the price in large jumps?

What do you think?

Post# 466770 , Reply# 1   10/14/2023 at 10:31 (373 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        

nobody has an opinion? Is this a "trade secret" amongst Seller?

Post# 466773 , Reply# 2   10/14/2023 at 11:33 (373 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
While I've made plenty of purchases on eBay, I've yet to sell anything there. Once I have a device that can do it, I plan to give it a try.
Therefore, anything I say would be complete speculation. That being said, I wouldn't doubt for a minute that there are sellers who either bid up their own items, or have a friend do it.

Post# 466774 , Reply# 3   10/14/2023 at 11:36 (373 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
They call it “shill bidding”

It’s one of the reasons why I don’t trust eBay.

Post# 466775 , Reply# 4   10/14/2023 at 13:35 (373 days old) by VacMadMan (Pueblo Co.)        

vacmadman's profile picture
If a seller bids on his own item or has a friend, do it, he's running the risk of buying his own item, and will have to post it again. This practice is foolish. A seller can always have a minimum bid amount on the item as well.


Post# 466790 , Reply# 5   10/15/2023 at 08:54 (373 days old) by rivstg1 (colorado springs)        

rivstg1's profile picture
yes. this definitely smells like a 'skunk'. good detective work

Post# 466810 , Reply# 6   10/16/2023 at 05:33 (372 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

How did you know it was from the same seller? I know you can see a bidder bidding in the same category, but I never knew you could see them bidding on the same sellers.

My #1 problem on eBay with auctions is just dumb kids that bid items up just to ruin people, not pay for it, and then a week to 2 weeks later it's relisted again and bidding starts again. They will send it up into $200-$300 for a $50 item. Like that Montgomery Ward vacuum that was famously relisted every week on shopGoodwill by people bidding it up over $150 and not paying. That went on for at least, 3 or 4 months until I finally won it because Goodwill cancelled out the bidders or deleted their accounts.

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