Thread Number: 44937  /  Tag: Recent/New Polishers/Floor Care Products
Just used my Home Depot Hoover Turbo Scrub Again.
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Post# 466462   9/27/2023 at 10:51 (390 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

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Had it almost 3 years now. I remember when I bought it it was $129 but ended up getting $30 off that. I think this is my favorite carpet cleaner EVER.. It's so simply designed...I think it's Hoover's BOL. It's not on their website but I'm not sure if they make this model specifically for home depot because you can still get it at HD even to this day. Other than the simplicity of using sucks almost all the water out of the carpet..even if you oversoak it... doesn't matter. A few dry passes and it's barely damp... and extracting water from low pile berber is not easy.

Yesterday I was watching a recent video of a youtuber doing a review on a new Shark Carpet cleaner and he was disappointed. It did a great job cleaning but a terrible job extracting the water.. When watching him use it I could tell before he even said anything that I would not want this machine. If they can't extract most of the water you put down... what good are they? Even in the areas I really soaked within 4 hours if you walked on it you could barely feel moisture...Of course I had fans on. Today bone dry and you'd never know the carpet was ever wet.

I was paranoid about this because I know the turbines can rust causing the brushes not to spin. So each time I use it I baby it and take everything apart and wash it and put all of it in front of a fan to dry for a few hours. I think the weak points from what I've seen online is the rusting of the turbine and the trigger/handle..

I really hope Hoover doesn't stop making these as they are definitely my favorite modern extractor that's affordable. It's definitely the closest thing you can get to the Hoover Steamvac from the 90s

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Post# 466466 , Reply# 1   9/27/2023 at 14:56 (390 days old) by Sensotronic (Englandshire)        

I happen to know that the YouTuber in question went over the carpet several times with his Rug Doctor after the Shark and it only managed to pick up a teaspoon more of water. However, today he rinsed the carpet with just hot water using a Bissell Revolution that brought up a load more muck and extracted the majority of water leaving the carpet dry in a few hours. I have a feeling he will be selling the Shark soon.

Post# 466484 , Reply# 2   9/28/2023 at 14:58 (389 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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Welcome back, Mr. YouTuber himself!

Yeah that Shark I feel they made it for area rug cleaning and not wall to wall carpet. They never tell you on the box. I have smaller cheapo shampooers that were made from the start for cleaning area rugs and they are a lot similar to how that Shark is. Low suction, tiny water tank, goofy design.
I suspect if you stuck it on a low pile area rug it would suck the water right out through and through but it just can't do actual carpeting.

Post# 466488 , Reply# 3   9/28/2023 at 19:30 (389 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

I've seen the solution pump break all the time and that part is not available even though the machine is still in production. That's why you get them for as cheap as you do.

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Post# 466495 , Reply# 4   9/28/2023 at 22:51 (389 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

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Yea I saw a couple of videos of people repairing their pumps..

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