Thread Number: 44931  /  Tag: Small Appliances
My strange paper shredder collection
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Post# 466432   9/25/2023 at 20:06 (501 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        

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First up is Fellowes Powershred 79ci 16 sheets jam proof shredder.
Second is Royal 11 sheets paper shredder.
Third on left is Fellowes ShredMate 3 sheets and on right is Xerox 24 sheets heavy duty paper shredder

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Post# 466464 , Reply# 1   9/27/2023 at 13:49 (499 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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My office at work used to have a Fellowes, it wasn't my favorite. Pretty loud, overheated very fast, and had trouble to turn back on whenever we'd shut it off. When it didn't turn back on one day, we just decided to replace it. Now we have a Amazon Basics that I like much better. The only thing I did missed about the Fellowes was the size, it held more paper shreds.

Post# 466467 , Reply# 2   9/27/2023 at 14:59 (499 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        
It's funny...

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This weekend I unclogged a shredder for one of my senior friends. I believe it was labeled Royal. There wasn't an easy way to access the shredding teeth which is probably on purpose. With a knife and several tries of reversing it the clog finally cleared.

My friend was happy and so was I because it didn’t seem like I could fix it without breaking into it. The manufacturer should have had an access panel to gain access to the clog.

Post# 466493 , Reply# 3   9/28/2023 at 22:17 (498 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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We just have a small one that fits on trash can. I used to enjoy removing the little pieces of paper that would get stuck around the cutting blades.

Someday I’d like to have a big one like those with its own catch bin.

Post# 467329 , Reply# 4   11/5/2023 at 20:17 (460 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        
Found one

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I got one this week from a thrift store. It’s a Staples 10 sheet cross cut model. Feels decently substantial, and I like the pull out bin to empty. It seems like it’s possibly missing the casters as there are holes underneath to put some, or possibly this model didn’t come with any.

I’d like to add a set if they’re inexpensive enough.

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