Thread Number: 44913  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Bissell lift off 3554B
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Post# 466314   9/19/2023 at 00:21 (399 days old) by Bransvacuums (Edmonton Alberta Canada)        

Here is the not so common model of the Bissell lift off series. I got think brand new for Christmas of last year from a vacuum store in Nevada. It’s probably one of if not the only good Bissell ever made. The suction and airflow is very good for a bypass machine. The agitation surprised me for having a separate motor for the brushroll. The automatic height adjustment does what it says it does. The wheels are thin, so they go deep in the carpet and adjust from there. It’s not like some of the other vacuums that just only go on the lowest setting. The filtration is not only really good, but it’s a sealed system. The prongs that turn on and off the power nozzle never went bad as what most people say. It happened a lot on the bagless model, but from what I’ve seen the canister can either not be properly seated on the base without double checking. With the bagged model you never have to worry about that. The attachments you get work very well. The dusting brush is actually soft. The upholstery tool is not as good as the Hoover’s, but it seems to do its job just fine. The crevice tool is very long, and I think Hoover might of gotten the inspiration to make a long crevice tool on the windtunnels. The 2 extension wands also help with reaching high areas. The build quality is actually good since it’s made in the Unites States. If you ever find one of these, don’t skip on it. These weren’t made for that long. They were only in production from 1998-2003. The parts you can find on eBay from the same seller I brought it from.

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Post# 466317 , Reply# 1   9/19/2023 at 04:51 (399 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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Oh wow, I think I seen one in Goodwill and passed on it was I thought it was a carpet shampooer.

Post# 466388 , Reply# 2   9/23/2023 at 14:05 (394 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

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I have the original version that came in red or green instead of the black. It’s similar to yours but has a switch to shut off the brushroll for hard floors and it doesn’t have that front filter. Mine was made in 1995, I think they came out in 1994.

Post# 466392 , Reply# 3   9/23/2023 at 18:11 (394 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
I have one

panasonicvac's profile picture
Bought it from the same place. The prongs can go bad if you constantly release the handle and put it back in upright position while the switch is on. It's like taking the electric hose out while the power nozzle is still on.

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