Thread Number: 44904  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Disassemble my vac
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Post# 466224   9/16/2023 at 12:27 (401 days old) by bkreft (Adamsville TN)        

I have an Aerus Lux 7000 C153A vac that has an air switch problem. Vac keeps shutting off, especially if you place your hand over the intake. I can usually figure mechanical things out, but for the life of me I cannot determine how to access the wiring and the switches.

Is there a manual or video that can instruct me as to how this vac comes apart?

All help is appreciated.


Post# 466226 , Reply# 1   9/16/2023 at 14:01 (401 days old) by Vacuumman (California)        

Here's a video of someone disassembling a similar vacuum.


Post# 466232 , Reply# 2   9/16/2023 at 19:17 (401 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I had that problem on my Electrolux Diplomat LX. I ended up ust disconnecting the vacuum tube that connected to the valve, effectively disabling it. The vacuum runs just fine, even if it won't stop automatically anymore.

Post# 466233 , Reply# 3   9/16/2023 at 21:35 (401 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
Your valve (the dial on top) likely has broken plastic inside. You can either replace the valve or disconnect the tube, connecting it to the switch. If it were me, I would just replace the valve. But either way you’ll have a functioning vacuum again.

I’m not sure why those valves break so much.. maybe people jerk the knob too hard on the top? I currently have about 15 plastic bodied canisters in my collection.. and I’ve sold quite a few on eBay over the years and I’ve seen this issue with the valves in a couple of them.

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