Thread Number: 44884  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
How to tell a Kirby model 508 bag from 509 and 510 bags ?
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Post# 465968   9/8/2023 at 22:05 (322 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
At one point the 508 bag was made with the same material as with the 505 . Then it introduced what we are familiar with for the 509-512 bags but there is a difference. Can someone here guess what it is ?
Clue : it has to do with slider and cuff ..
There were
2 versions of the 508
1 version of the 509
1 version of the 510-512

Let he know the difference between all the versions …

Post# 465970 , Reply# 1   9/8/2023 at 22:42 (322 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Adam mercer has a white duvetyne bag with the same print as the 505.
I'm guessing your looking for the 505 print 508 bag also has the 505 shape.
The second 508 is tan with kirby writing in the center with the center of the bag having the logo and stripes are paralell 3 inches apart from tje botyo. Of the bag to the top.long the bottom of the bag has an inch overlap the fold in and sew the bag spring in. There is 5/8 of an inch extra material left inside. The bag stitching is where it's sewn together 1/2-5/8" overlap.
The early bag might be a different height and shape.
The 509 has color added to the stripes.
The font changes too.
I'm tired but hopefully this cfos makes sense. Ill try to proof read.
The 510 has different color lettering. I've seen blue 508-512 bags but I think they were NOS kirby replacement before they started using variations of the 513 as a replacement bag.

Post# 465994 , Reply# 2   9/9/2023 at 12:32 (321 days old) by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture

FWIW any pre-DS50 bags that are white or tan are either faded or else bojack replacements.

Post# 466025 , Reply# 3   9/10/2023 at 20:34 (320 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Have a 508 corduroy bag that's tan in color and it's original. I also have a 511 that's tan and it's and they both came from the factory like that. They could be faded but the lettering is in great shape so idk.

Post# 466029 , Reply# 4   9/10/2023 at 21:08 (320 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
The dye they used on those bags was somewhat defective , especially on models 509-517.
Even when kept away from the light they still fade. It happens almost exclusively with the gray corduroy material .
I’m sure your bags are in great shape but like all of our bags no matter how much you take care of them they will fade .
I learned a trick from Charles , if you have a bag that’s in good condition put it on a hanger in a closet it will fade less.

Post# 466083 , Reply# 5   9/11/2023 at 20:52 (319 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
So to answer this question I will add pictures here.

The very first version of the Model 508 ( same design as with the 505 ,gray with silver and red print) had a front opening slide cuff with a button to fasten it in front .

second version introduced the more familiar 509-512 gray bag but it still had the opening in front please see image.

Model 509 had the cuff cloth opening in the back of the bag

both bag sliders had the same 8 type chain as with the 505

And finally the 510 introduced the ball chain slide

let me know if you have any questions

as always you are welcome to visit my kirby site for more info

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Post# 466086 , Reply# 6   9/11/2023 at 21:44 (319 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Adam mercer and yourself are the only bags I've seen Luke the 505.
Take a look at the attachments. That looks like an oem kirby 505 bag.
I made it identical to the 505 bag. White duvetyne is a very bright white.
It's not a stretch to think the only 2 508 bags were made by someone.
I guarantee I could duplicate the bag and without knowing there is no wY you could tell someone made it.
In short there's only 1 508 bag the other was made. 2 bags vs hundreds of thousands of 508 bags the probably there was no prototype is higher than 99% supporting there's no prototype.
The 511 bag immaculate condition I'm sorry but the entire bag is the same color throughout. This means it's not faded or sun damaged.
The faded bag theory kind of loses credibility when I produce an original immaculate condition light tan is the original bag color.
The accuracy of your website has flaws and the proofs in the putting.

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Post# 466103 , Reply# 7   9/12/2023 at 12:24 (318 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 466110 , Reply# 8   9/12/2023 at 14:19 (318 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Well I do try to be as accurate as can be . when I decided to share my collection with everyone I knew there would be some that would disagree with me , which is perfectly fine and I welcome positive criticism.

Is my website flawed ?! it’s not perfect I agree . I welcome any new information or amendments as long as there is solid proof to them .


Post# 466189 , Reply# 9   9/14/2023 at 20:56 (316 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        
More 508 vs 509

odavid123's profile picture

As you can see from the image below the 509 vs 508 there are 2 very clear diffrences .

unlike the 509 the dashed lines on the 508 go all the way to the bottom of the bag without stopping before the tube spring ,there is no space.
same goes for the top ,because the opening of the cloth slide cover is in the front on the 508 the dashed lines goes all the way to the top under the flap. which is the second obvious difference.(front stitched cloth cover)

as for he replica of the 1st 508 bag on the website it's just that and if you look at the bags page it clearly states replica . it does exist tough and i hope to one day update the site with it.

now in regards to white bags or the tan bags I guarantee you they are really just faded bc of the type of dye used. The original gray on the 508 is a greenish dark gray but with model 509 on it was just gray.

I'm firm on this and I agree to disagree.

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