Thread Number: 44854  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
My next big project ! ( vacuette , model C)
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Post# 465638   8/29/2023 at 09:05 (420 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
My next big project ! Wish me luck these are in pretty bad shape although the bag on the none-electric Vacuette is in good condition . What you see here is a model C from 1934-1935 ish and “The new Vac-u-ette ” ( none electric) from 1925

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Post# 465640 , Reply# 1   8/29/2023 at 10:28 (419 days old) by MIVintageVacs (Royal Oak MI)        

Nice! I look forward to seeing your progress! I’d love to find a model c someday!

Post# 465641 , Reply# 2   8/29/2023 at 10:43 (419 days old) by VacMadMan (Pueblo Co.)        
Very cool!

vacmadman's profile picture

I have no doubt they will both look better than new when your done. Take lots of pictures as you go. I would love to know the serial number of your model C, as it appears to be set up the same as mine. Pictured is my ID tag serial number 124242


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Post# 465642 , Reply# 3   8/29/2023 at 12:19 (419 days old) by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        

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How many different upright Vacuette models (non-electric and electric) were produced and sold? (Vacuumland postings mention a model C and a model J.)

What was the most popular Vacuette model?


Post# 465643 , Reply# 4   8/29/2023 at 13:01 (419 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Thank you!

Of course! I will make sure to post images here next week when I am done with the restoration . I will include an image of the ID plate.

and finally Kevin,

There were a few different Vacuette (none electric models) here are the main ones :
-1919 Model B
-1921-1925 Model C and improved Model C
"The New Vac-u-ette" and "The wireless Vac-u-ette)
there were at least 6 different bag designs.

As for "The Vacuette Electric" . these were the 2 main models:

Model E.L : Door to Door model with the foot toggle switch and a wide array of attachments.
Model (E.L) J. : Retail model with the switch on the handle and limited optional attachments sold seperatly.

I can go more in detail later of the differences between each model ..

I hope i was able to answer your questions.



This post was last edited 08/29/2023 at 18:08
Post# 465646 , Reply# 5   8/29/2023 at 13:17 (419 days old) by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        

kwalsh97214's profile picture
Thanks for your help. That is a good overview.

Post# 465651 , Reply# 6   8/29/2023 at 16:36 (419 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
My old vacuum parts catalogs from the late 1930's list the 'Keystone' as a retail Kirby version. I'm sure it was a 'great depression' kind of machine like a Hoover "Norca".

Post# 465654 , Reply# 7   8/29/2023 at 17:28 (419 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
It was a line of vacuums S&F produced . Very beautiful line ! ( I’m aware of at least 5 models )

If anyone has a keystone for sale I would love to purchase it . :)

This post was last edited 08/29/2023 at 21:54
Post# 465655 , Reply# 8   8/29/2023 at 17:48 (419 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

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Post# 465659 , Reply# 9   8/29/2023 at 18:04 (419 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Nice , it’s a model J with switch on the handle 😎

Post# 465745 , Reply# 10   9/1/2023 at 20:22 (416 days old) by Bvac6 (Fort Wayne, Indiana)        

bvac6's profile picture
I'm glad you got them (also happy I sold them)! I'm looking forward to seeing the restores!

Post# 465802 , Reply# 11   9/3/2023 at 18:00 (414 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
These two will look fantastic

when completed. They already look pretty good for vacuums being 89ish and 98 yrs.old!

Better than a lot of what we see pulled out of attics,basements and barns. Can't wait

to see them at the finish line! Billy

Post# 465803 , Reply# 12   9/3/2023 at 18:19 (414 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        
The New Vacuette , Restored!

odavid123's profile picture
Hi I have an update !
The new Vacuette is fully restored and here is how it turned out . The C model is in the final stages and should be ready sometimes next week :)
Let me know how I did on the Vacuette

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Post# 465835 , Reply# 13   9/5/2023 at 08:26 (413 days old) by VacMadMan (Pueblo Co.)        

vacmadman's profile picture

She looks fantastic just like new. You do wonderful work. I hope to add one of these in my collection someday. They do come up for sale from time to time. Thanks for sharing!


Post# 465840 , Reply# 14   9/5/2023 at 09:53 (412 days old) by Mivintagevacs (Royal Oak MI)        

Fantastic work it looks beautiful! That was a quick turnaround too!

Post# 466997 , Reply# 15   10/23/2023 at 11:56 (364 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        
Model C restored !

odavid123's profile picture
Finally !

This one was a long time in the making , I originally purchased this unit with a wireless Vacuette. It was in a pretty bad shape and I had to hunt for parts to get this back together to it’s original state ! Here she is , Model C with the rare brass belt cover and H/L . Circa 1934/1935.

Please follow me on instagram @ collectingdust_kirby

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