Thread Number: 44851  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Early 1945 Kirby Model 505 bag and sanitation emptor
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Post# 465608   8/28/2023 at 11:43 (420 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

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All polished up and ready to put on my 505 :)

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Post# 465613 , Reply# 1   8/28/2023 at 15:34 (420 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        
quick question

Hi David, it's Liam, Have you seen my forum on vacuumland "Absolutely Gorgeous Kirby Model 505", I posted pics on the current state of it a while ago. It has a factory original bag in mint condition, an original emptor with the black tray and all four original Bakelite wheels. I haven't posted on it in a while until now. I am in the process of making it completely factory original. I'm stuck in the process because I haven't found any trim or handle grips for 505's yet. I know you have a vast amount of pre-war Kirby parts, so please tell me, what spare Kirby 505 parts do you exactly have? Do you have any spare original 505 cords, bumpers, nozzles, belt lifters, handle grips and headlight hood trim? I'm in need of all of these parts to finish restoration of my 505. If you can help me out with that, I'd appreciate it very much. Maybe we could even talk about trading of parts or me buying 505 parts from you, if you want. Either way, I think I can possibly rely on you for my Kirby projects?

Post# 465614 , Reply# 2   8/28/2023 at 15:38 (420 days old) by VacuumHeaven05 (Frederick, MD)        

I do think your 505 bag is extremely beautiful. How about mine?

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Post# 465616 , Reply# 3   8/28/2023 at 16:05 (420 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Hi Liam ,

Your model 505 Kirby bag looks great! Bags are the toughest thing to find in good condition with the logo still intact .
I wish I had a vast amount of extra parts but I also struggle to find trim and other parts . I do love your passion for Kirbys and I will check out that forum . I think we need more young collectors with passion like yours .
Have a nice day

Post# 465617 , Reply# 4   8/28/2023 at 18:56 (420 days old) by VacMadMan (Pueblo Co.)        

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Your work is truly inspirational, it looks fantastic indeed. I also love the camera angle....nice.


Post# 465618 , Reply# 5   8/28/2023 at 18:59 (420 days old) by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Thank you Jim , I truly appreciate it.

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