Thread Number: 44843  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
What Power Nozzle Would An Electrolux Lux 5000 Have?
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Post# 465548   8/26/2023 at 23:10 (422 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        

Hi. I'm outfitting an ebay find - a really nice Lux 5000. It didn't come with a hose or wands or power nozzle. I found a hose and a set of OEM wands, but I don't know what power nozzle model I should be looking for. There are so many variations between models and I don't want to buy something I can't use. Thanks.

Michael T

Post# 465578 , Reply# 1   8/27/2023 at 15:16 (421 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Looking at photos online, the machine appears to be a clone of the 2100. Any hose with the Canadian style connector on the machine end will work. I have a Diplomat LX that appears to be essentially the same machine, and Everything from the grip end of the hose to the power nozzle is essentially the same thing that would have come with canisters going back to the Super J, so almost any power nozzle would work. That said, the one that would have originally come with it would have been the updated 'Omniflow' design with an integrated headlight.

Post# 465591 , Reply# 2   8/27/2023 at 22:29 (421 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        
Thank You

Thank you, Human. I appreciate your response. Since my posting I've done some research also. It appears that, for some reason, the 5000, which is a pretty basic vacuum, was equipped with a larger electric hose and electric wands, like the more expensive models. In pictures, the 5500 has the smaller hose and power nozzle like the Classic. So I guess I'll see if I can find these things. Yet another ebay foray and more $$ spent.

Michael T

Post# 465857 , Reply# 3   9/5/2023 at 18:13 (412 days old) by Paul (USA)        
2 Lux 5000 models

There were actually two cleaners with the 'Lux 5000' model name — Model C101K (non-automatic) factory-paired with pn Model N137B and Model C141C (automatic) with pn N137J. I'm unsure of the difference in pn models; could have been styling or components. Both models were designed for electric wands. It seems to me that the C141 & C152 models were sold by a third parties. Both were manufactured from circa 2000 to 2003.

The Lux 5500 — Models C141G and C152C (with outsourced motor) — factory-paired with pn N115Q and designed for non-electric wands was labeled "by Electrolux" and branded with the Aerus logomark, so that would have been made a bit later; say 2003-2004.

Incidentally, the model numbers of the tanks (along with other specs) are stamped on the inside of the bag door — often covered by the intake gasket. At some point a barcoded decal was also affixed near the exhaust port. The alphanumeric serial number (5 digit production number in between the 2-letter series) is stamped on the bottom.

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