Thread Number: 44839  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Vacuum Recommendations for High School
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Post# 465535   8/26/2023 at 16:51 (387 days old) by EricaM (Rhode Island)        

I was asked to research which vacuum cleaner to buy for use in a school. I have seen reviews recommending vacuums such as the Oreck Commercial XL2100RHS or Sanitaire SC886G which are priced below $300. However, other recommend more expensive models like the Sebo X4.

If anyone would be so kind as to share their recommendations to balance price and performance for a vacuum that would be good for a school, I would appreciate the insight.

I am also looking for what they will need to maintain the tile floors so recommendations about that would be appreciated as well.

Thank you!

Post# 465538 , Reply# 1   8/26/2023 at 19:23 (387 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
The majority of schools i've been to use Windsor brand vacuums they're certainly not cheap but they're reliable machines. I'd look into the Versamatic they seem to be a little more simple than the cheaper sensor line.

As for these tile floors, do they have wax on them? or are they a polished stone that doesn't require wax.

Post# 465539 , Reply# 2   8/26/2023 at 19:27 (387 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
Backpack vacuums are also a good option for low pile carpeting but you may find that many workers aren't fond of them. They also need to have their cloth bags periodically washed in addition to changing the paper ones. I use one often in a commercial setting and I feel like it's much more agile getting into tighter spaces and cover an area quicker than an upright but that's just me.

Post# 465550 , Reply# 3   8/26/2023 at 23:49 (387 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Don't overlook an NSS M1--they have been used in schools for YEARS!

Post# 465551 , Reply# 4   8/27/2023 at 00:38 (387 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
A Proteam backpack vacuum. Time is money and this runs 5 to 6 hundred would easily be be saved by cutting vacuum time in half.

Post# 465552 , Reply# 5   8/27/2023 at 01:44 (387 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I used to volunteer as a janitor at a local elementary school, backpacks were the best in classrooms out of all the other commercial uprights and canisters they had. My recommendation would be a Sandia Raven 10 quart.

Post# 465554 , Reply# 6   8/27/2023 at 05:59 (387 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
It really depends on how much carpeting there is to clean. Most schools have carpeting only in the library, so it would make sense to look for a commercial tank vac that has a nice wide floor brush to sweep large areas of bare floors, especially in classrooms. If it’s a large school with lots of hallways, a riding floor washer might be an effective way to wash these surfaces, like they have in hospitals and shopping malls.

Post# 465555 , Reply# 7   8/27/2023 at 06:54 (387 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Another thought-esp if the school doesn't want to own or maintain equipment-hire the cleaning out to a contractor that would do the work during off hours. This is common in commercial business.

Post# 465612 , Reply# 8   8/28/2023 at 15:24 (385 days old) by EricaM (Rhode Island)        
Thank you

Thank you all for the recommendations!

The tile floors are waxed.

Post# 465615 , Reply# 9   8/28/2023 at 15:46 (385 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
oh lord

blackheart's profile picture
Well that adds a fair amount of equipment and chemical.

You'll want a scrubber of some sort depending on your amount of hallways/hard floors, if you have them in classrooms settings a walk behind would be very helpful we've found about a 20" single pad machines works best for those it's not too large to be able to get through doors but not tiny.
If you have a lot of open areas or hallways you'll also want a ride on scrubber you could go with a dual 13" pad machine or a dual 17" pad machine just make sure to look at your storage area doors to ensure you can get them in and out.

I usually sweep my hallways with a 48" dust mop but seeing that you're in RI you may want to look into a walk behind sweeper too they're great for sweeping up the incoming sand throughout the day, dust mops don't cope well with damp debris.

Now as for the waxing aspect, I'm sure you already have a vendor for your chemicals so I won't go over wax/stripping chemicals but for the re-waxing you'll wand a low speed buffer, a wet vacuum, a few other misc tools like 4' handle floor scrapers possibly some floor squeegees, floor fans.

There's also non chemical methods to use which can be done as an interim. Machines like the REV series from advance can be used with an abrasive brown pad and water to remove some of the top coats of wax without the use of chemical stripping agents. It cannot replace the chemical strip but it can extend the amount of time between the need for it.

Oh yes and you'll want a high speed buffer too to maintain the existing wax

It's definitely a lot to take, I'm curious though is this a new building?

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