Thread Number: 44832  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
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Post# 465513   8/25/2023 at 17:11 (532 days old) by PowerstarEnergy (Portland, Tennessee)        

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The Riccar Supralite Cordless, the most rebadgable upright on the market. There are more rebadges, but I do not have time to find them all. Are there anymore rebadgable
vacuums? I know some more, but I want to here your opinions.

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Post# 465514 , Reply# 1   8/25/2023 at 18:58 (532 days old) by PowerstarEnergy (Portland, Tennessee)        
This is embarrassing...

powerstarenergy's profile picture
Hear* not here. I am a junior in high school lol.

Post# 465517 , Reply# 2   8/26/2023 at 00:08 (532 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
There is the Sanitaire version….the Quickboost…

CLICK HERE TO GO TO eurekaprince's LINK

Post# 465518 , Reply# 3   8/26/2023 at 02:25 (532 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Sanitaire Quickboost, Titan T500, Aerus Lite, David D2000, Cleanmax Zoom, Tornado ULW, and I'm probably missing some.

For a short period of time in 2007 (I believe), Hoover had a rebadged Supralite made for them.

There's also the Simplicity Freedom, but that's one of Tacony's own brands. Same thing with the now defunct Fuller Brush.

Post# 465519 , Reply# 4   8/26/2023 at 06:42 (532 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
Here is our friend Roger showing the UK’s version - it’s branded the Truvox Valet:

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Post# 465532 , Reply# 5   8/26/2023 at 14:28 (531 days old) by PowerstarEnergy (Portland, Tennessee)        
Black and Decker

powerstarenergy's profile picture
Another vacuum cleaner worthy of the title is the Black and Decker Air Swivel.

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Post# 465571 , Reply# 6   8/27/2023 at 12:56 (530 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I've seen alot of commercial vacuums sold under different brands but basically the same thing.

Post# 465574 , Reply# 7   8/27/2023 at 13:31 (530 days old) by ilovehoovers (England)        

ilovehoovers's profile picture
Whichever Chinese company makes these must be laughing their way to the bank

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Post# 465588 , Reply# 8   8/27/2023 at 19:40 (530 days old) by FanOfVacuums2 (Williamsburg, VA)        

fanofvacuums2's profile picture
The Black & Decker AirSwivel and all the other things it has been called are made by Midea. I cannot help but notice that they tossed a better cyclone into the Eureka version.

Post# 465623 , Reply# 9   8/28/2023 at 20:45 (529 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
The USA and Canada should require importers to include the Chinese factory name and city on the ratings plate so the consumer can know where their Eureka, Hoover, Shark, Bissell or whatever was really made. We’d then have a better idea which 3 or 4 Chinese factories are creating all these clones labeled with different classic American brand names. It certainly would clarify the source of dozens of brand names plastered onto all those rechargeable bagless stick vacs and hand vacs and robot vacs.

Post# 465647 , Reply# 10   8/29/2023 at 13:34 (528 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Agreed, Brian! Another issue this would help with is when a manufacturer discontinues a model & certain parts for it. That way, you would know whether a clone was made by the same factory & if you could take parts off a used model.

Post# 465667 , Reply# 11   8/30/2023 at 07:29 (528 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
It used to really bother me when looking at ratings plates for store brand vacuums. If you looked at the plate on any Sears Kenmore vacuum, you would have to know what the model numbers meant to figure out which factory made the cleaner. With a handful of factories in Communist China now producing so many vacuums, it’s only right that the North American consumer can know the name of the factory and the city in which it is located.

Post# 465688 , Reply# 12   8/30/2023 at 21:08 (527 days old) by FanOfVacuums2 (Williamsburg, VA)        

fanofvacuums2's profile picture
Believe it or not, the best vacuum cleaner importing company about making it obvious what manufacturer produced the machine is Bissell. At the end of their serial numbers, they always include a code for the manufacturer. For example, E is Eup, S is Samsung, KCA is KingClean, MDA is Midea, and so forth. I have always appreciated the consistency of their data stickers.

Post# 465692 , Reply# 13   8/31/2023 at 08:04 (527 days old) by mieles5380leo (Virginia)        

mieles5380leo's profile picture
What does mea at the end of the serial number stand for? I saw a robot one with that behind the serial number.

Post# 465709 , Reply# 14   8/31/2023 at 22:49 (526 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
Very interesting FanofVacuums! That’s good to know!!!!

Post# 466936 , Reply# 15   10/19/2023 at 20:43 (477 days old) by PowerstarEnergy (Portland, Tennessee)        
The most common rebadge that I know of.

powerstarenergy's profile picture
As a matter of fact, the Black + Decker Air Swivel seems to be rebadged the most by Private Labels.

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Post# 467293 , Reply# 16   11/4/2023 at 20:47 (461 days old) by Scvacuumguy (SC)        

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Kristi has really done well diversifying Tacony’s portfolio. Fortunately for those of us with stores, it is rare for a consumer (other than vacuum enthusiasts) to realize and research these types of things.

Post# 467523 , Reply# 17   11/14/2023 at 08:55 (452 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        
I'm a little suprised that nobody is talking about this.

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
Lately TTi has been rebadging Oreck products under the Hoover commercial name. I would post pictures but idk how to :/

Post# 467528 , Reply# 18   11/14/2023 at 11:25 (451 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Chris, you're right about Kristi Tacony Humes....yes she has done a good job of diversifying Tacony's portfolio and product offerings. So much so, she has run that company into the ground and made some DUMB decisions! Tacony, in my opinion, is a shadow of it's former self. And what used to be a company with respected products is now getting ridicule, namely from a certain member on here with a YouTube channel who is hated by many.

Post# 467529 , Reply# 19   11/14/2023 at 12:16 (451 days old) by powerstarenergy (Portland, Tennessee)        
“These are literally just Orecks”- Intellitech Studios

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I can’t believe I just so happened to forget about this, so thanks for reminding me AmtrakSebo1997. Instead of designing unique products for each of their brands (Hoover and it’s commercial division, Oreck and it’s commercial division, Dirt Devil, and Vax), they decide to rebadge already existing ones, and it is starting to get ridiculous. Ten years ago in 2013 (feel old yet?), There were hardly any rebadges, but now in 2023, it is a different story. When will we get more original things instead of just rebadges?

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