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What Motors Were Used In Electrolux Models and Aerus Models
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Post# 465332   8/16/2023 at 12:00 (274 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        

Hello folks. I have an Electrolux LE that I like very much. It's noisy, but a great cleaner. I also have an Aerus Ultralux that I also like very much, especially the quiet motor. I really don't hear the motor running; I mostly hear a rush of air from the attachment and the exhaust vent on the machine. It reminds me of the Electrolux models of old. I'm thinking the LE and the Ultralux have different motors. The Ultralux is definitely quieter than my Aerus Lux Classic and Guardian Ultra, both of which have that annoying whining sound. Did motors change when Aerus began building their own machines?

Post# 465356 , Reply# 1   8/17/2023 at 14:40 (273 days old) by FanOfVacuums2 (Williamsburg, VA)        

fanofvacuums2's profile picture
The Electrolux LE should not be noisy, so it may have an issue such as a bad bearing, dirt in the fan, or something along those lines. The dual-stage motors in the old Electrolux canisters were actually known to be relatively quiet for how powerful they were. You may ought to rebuild it or replace it if you are not comfortable tearing into it, at least if you plan to use the vacuum cleaner.

The Aerus UltraLux models used single-stage a motor that I have seen labeled both Domel and Electrolux AB (not Aerus/Electrolux), a motor that I think is a vastly inferior motor. They worked well when they were new, but they are not designed to be repaired at all, being quite a difference in quality compared to the motors in the older models.

Your Aerus Lux Classic and the Guardian Ultra should both have the Johnson motors that Aerus began using, which is a cheaper motor than the classic dual-stage motors, but I slightly prefer over the Domel/Electrolux motors. They are cheap motors that are still not necessarily designed to be rebuilt, but they are more workable than the Domel/Electrolux ones.

Post# 465365 , Reply# 2   8/17/2023 at 21:09 (273 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        
Thank You

Hi FanOfVacuums2.

Thank you for the information. I'm not any good at repairing vacuums myself, but have an awesome vac guy who is. I'll take the LE to him for a service. I am surprised to get your impression of the motor in the Ultralux since it's so quiet and powerful. I had an Ambassador III that was noisy, louder but similar to the LE, and the sound of it really got on my nerves so I donated it. I'm sorry to read that the motors in the Lux Classic and Guardian Ultra are of questionable quality, especially considering their retail cost, but I had been told that they were single-stage motors and that the whine noise was due to the excessive RPMs they generated.

I sure miss the quality of the Electroluxes of old. I'm sorry to see what has happened to them.

Michael T

Post# 465452 , Reply# 3   8/22/2023 at 21:57 (268 days old) by Djub85 (Virginia)        

I would not worry about the motor in the Guardian Ultra being of questionable quality. Those vacuums came with a 30 year warranty--something pretty unheard of. The newer Guardian Platinums aren't even that well covered. Many of the old school Electrolux vacuums from the 70s and 80s had their motors rebuilt or replaced before 30 years, so your Guardian Ultra will be more reliable than those or will receive a warranted motor replacement.

I'm not sure if the Classic/Legacy models have the same motor as the Guardian Ultra or not. I own a 2014 Legacy and a ~2013 Guardian Ultra. To my ears, the Legacy sounds an awful lot like my Guardian Ultra, but they could be different. Either way, I don't mind the sound at all. It's pretty inoffensive. Especially compared to the power nozzle 😂

Aerus service is second to none... They don't even ask for ownership records, they just repair for free based on age. Your Guardian Ultra should last as long as the best of the brand's history, or it wouldn't have come with that warranty.

Post# 465573 , Reply# 4   8/27/2023 at 13:02 (263 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I believe this was the last model to use the double stage motor.

Post# 465579 , Reply# 5   8/27/2023 at 15:57 (263 days old) by MichaelT (Phoenix AZ)        
Thank You For the Info, Everyone.

Hi. I appreciate the responses to my query. I'm not lucky enough to have my Aerus dealer replace the motor on my Guardian Ultra for free; I didn't buy it new and I was asked about it. I am getting a deal from the technician, though. He just replaced the electronic panel on it for $235, and he felt bad and got me a new motor at cost of
$100, plus $100 for his time, so I'll only be out $200 instead of $400. The machine will now be brand new and hopefully not give me any more trouble. I'm also hoping that the new motor will be quieter and the 'whine' will be less noticeable. My Classic I'm told has the same motor and it's quieter. Fingers crossed. No more Aerus machines for me. I'm going to stick with Electrolux.

Michael T

Post# 465587 , Reply# 6   8/27/2023 at 19:34 (263 days old) by FanOfVacuums2 (Williamsburg, VA)        

fanofvacuums2's profile picture
I find it interesting that the Lux 5500 C141G came with the classic dual-stage motor while the oddball Lux 5500 C152C had the Domel/Electrolux motor and used a totally different model number despite being the same unit otherwise with the same model name. Aerus confuses me in general.

The motors used in the C152C and other similarly aged models are annoying if I want to do something such as press a new bearing into it, not being an Aerus dealer and all. They make it basically impossible whereas it was a fairly easy task with the older motors. It seems wasteful to buy a brand new motor and recycle the old one just because an off-the-shelf bearing that I can get easily and for nothing is the only problem, for example.

The old Electrolux motors, primarily the ones before the plastic-bodied canister became the thing, were made to be opened and rebuilt and I could do it in my sleep. That is a more elaborate description of why I am not as into the newer motors.

Post# 465592 , Reply# 7   8/27/2023 at 22:41 (263 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
The Johnson motors used currently in the Aerus Classic and Aerus Legacy ARE of questionable quality. Take a quick look at used Shark motors on Ebay, & you will find some of the motors used in recent years bear a resemblance to the Johnson motor, & I do believe they likely are.

So, let me ask you this....would you spend $1G for a Aerus Classic to get essentially the same motor you would get in a Shark Navigator for under $350? I sure wouldn't!!

As for the warranty the Guardian Ultra came with, just to correct you, it had a 20 year warranty, NOT 30 years. NO Electrolux or Aerus model has EVER come with a 30 year warranty. The only model that ever came with a warranty close to that was the first Electrolux Guardian, it had a 25 year motor warranty. And, when you see how the Aerus Legacy has a 10 year motor warranty, the Guardian Platinum has a 15 year motor warranty, & the Guardian Ultra has a 20 year motor warranty, the reason Aerus gives you such a long warranty is you're literally paying through the nose for it! And the motors are dirt cheap to buy, it wouldn't cost over $40 for each motor I bet. So it pays for them to gamble with using cheap motors, because they're still making tons of profit even if you have the motor replaced once under a 10 year warranty. So you had better receive quality service from your Aerus dealer when they're making a killing off you selling a vacuum over $1G with a junky Chinese motor :P

I agree with Michael T, if you're in the market for a new vacuum and have your heart set on Electrolux, you're better off buying a used Electrolux model, replacing the motor & new accessories for it than you are buying a new Aerus. The quality simply isn't there to justify the price - especially compared to Miele.

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