Thread Number: 44790  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
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Post# 465228   8/10/2023 at 16:58 (438 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        

Hi, can anyone tell me the Sears bag number that went with this vaccum. Also, was this a Whirlpool made vacuum.

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Post# 465229 , Reply# 1   8/10/2023 at 16:59 (438 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Oh, and....

If you have any to sell.

Post# 465248 , Reply# 2   8/12/2023 at 09:25 (436 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I have both. They look the same on the outside, but they used different motors. The Birtman motor or the Lamb motor. Open it up and take a pic (from the side) of the motor and I'll tell you. The bag was 5009.

Post# 465255 , Reply# 3   8/12/2023 at 15:40 (436 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Here it is....the motor,

The bag was missing when it arrived. But in one picture, it looked like 20-5009.

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Post# 465375 , Reply# 4   8/18/2023 at 20:54 (430 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Suction control ring

Does anyone, who has one or a picture of one, to show me what it looks like?

Post# 465648 , Reply# 5   8/29/2023 at 14:58 (419 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Anyone else?

Does anyone else recognize the motor (Birtman ?) and do you have some correct vacuum bags for sale.

Post# 465650 , Reply# 6   8/29/2023 at 16:07 (419 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
The bags are part number 5009. You can still find them on eBay. The motor is a Birtman motor so it's very rare in that nice condition yours in in.

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Post# 465661 , Reply# 7   8/29/2023 at 18:48 (419 days old) by Canisterman (Mocksville NC)        
Early 1957,

Later in 1957 was when Whirlpool ,at the behest of Sears, did a takeover of Birtman electric, which made their vacuums, mixers and blenders, Whirlpool spun the mixers off to Hamilton Beach, Whirlpool also took over Seeger refrigeration, then Servel to get the patent on the ice maker.Whirlpool closed down Birtmans motor factory and bought motors from Lamb electric.

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