Thread Number: 44765  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Dirt devil deluxe upright with LED lightbulb
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Post# 465026   8/2/2023 at 10:00 (446 days old) by VacsofProsper (TX)        

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So I want to install a new LED light bulb on a '94 Dirt devil deluxe upright but I don't know how to get to the light bulb. Do you remove the entire cover? I've been very interested adding LED warm white light bulbs on my vacuums.

Post# 465201 , Reply# 1   8/9/2023 at 14:26 (439 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        

Yes you take the whole top piece off. The lense covering the light bulb is part of the top, although you can remove it once the top is off. This cover your removing doesn't use screws to hold it on, you have to insert a flat blade screwdriver into the front sides and rear sides and pry it off the bottom chassis.

You need to flip the machine over to get your screwdriver where you need to pry the cover off. If it hangs up and won't come off, check for a possible screw about where the handle release peddle is. Replacing the cover is a snap,pun intended.

Post# 466819 , Reply# 2   10/16/2023 at 11:11 (371 days old) by VacsofProsper (TX)        

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Today I managed to get the hood off and it was a little tricky but luckily there was a video on how to do it. I installed the new LED lightbulb and unfortunately it didn't work. Both of them are double insulated. Is there another bulb where it should have the proper end?

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Post# 466827 , Reply# 3   10/16/2023 at 14:47 (371 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
You need a 12 volt bulb. Like an auto bulb for those.

Post# 466837 , Reply# 4   10/16/2023 at 18:52 (371 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I just bought one of those LED lights for my Sanitaire S677 and it works just fine. Was your old lightbulb working before?

Post# 466838 , Reply# 5   10/16/2023 at 20:53 (371 days old) by VacsofProsper (TX)        

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Panasonicvac, yes the old lightbulb works but I thought I try out an LED lightbulb on a Dirt Devil Deluxe. I think LEDs on vacuums are cool and a lot better.

Post# 466839 , Reply# 6   10/16/2023 at 20:56 (371 days old) by VacsofProsper (TX)        

vacsofprosper's profile picture
The LED lightbulbs I tried using on the dirt devil works excellent on my older Kirbys, Eureka Vanguard, The Boss Widetrack, and Hoover convertibles.

Post# 466841 , Reply# 7   10/16/2023 at 21:53 (371 days old) by vacuumman (California)        

Did you check the bulb in another machine to see if it isn't a dud? The only other thing I can think of is that the contacts in the new bulb are not touching the contacts in the socket.

Post# 466842 , Reply# 8   10/16/2023 at 22:11 (371 days old) by VacsofProsper (TX)        

vacsofprosper's profile picture
I can check it tomorrow 👍

Post# 466844 , Reply# 9   10/17/2023 at 08:36 (371 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
One of the models I had required a 12 volt bulb. Maybe it was the 12 amp model. I currently have one of the older deluxe models. Here is a thread I found when researching the part number.


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Post# 466950 , Reply# 10   10/20/2023 at 17:49 (367 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
So the Manual I had in my 7200 does say 12 V lightbulb. Have you tried that?

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