Thread Number: 44761  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Electrolux Automatic E
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Post# 465013   8/1/2023 at 17:26 (447 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture

I was just gifted an Electrolux Automatic E. It's my only metal-bodied Electrolux.
I'm currently cleaning it up, and I think it will look quite nice.
All I got was the main unit. In addition to needing a hose and attachments, the vacuum does have some issues.
One rear wheel is broken at the "hub". A really good glue that's safe for plastic would probably take care of it.
Also, there's maybe a foot of what appears to be the original black cord coming off the machine, and then someone has spliced on a grey cord.
Finally, the flared chrome piece, or "halo" that the cord wraps around is missing. Actually, I don't know if this machine originally had the halo, or a retractable cord.
The bigger issue is that, while the motor runs, and sounds smooth and quiet, there's very little suction.
From a practicality standpoint, I could probably find an Automatic E that's ready to run for what it would cost to fix this one. But, I'd get more satisfaction from knowing that I saved this machine from being scrapped, and put it back into rotation.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the problems; specifically, the low suction issue? The door to the bag compartment seems to close quite snug. So, I doubt if that's the problem.
Provided the vacuum can be made right mechanically; is there a good source for a quality replacement hose for it? I know they're out there. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of one that's of better quality.
Thanks for reading!


Post# 465027 , Reply# 1   8/2/2023 at 10:06 (446 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Low suction is due to a bad rubber motor mount. Happens a LOT to machines more than 50 years old. The model G was the last model with the three-screw motor mount design. I'd find a good donor model G and take it's motor and swap with yours.

Post# 465093 , Reply# 2   8/4/2023 at 10:13 (444 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Thank you for the info.
Not what I was hoping to hear, but I appreciate knowing. Since I don't work on them myself, it's not going to get done as long as I own it.
At least I won't spend any time or money tracking down a hose and attachments for it.
Perhaps, some day, I'll pass it along to someone else who has the skills and smarts to fix it up.

Post# 465200 , Reply# 3   8/9/2023 at 13:49 (439 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        

You might check the fan(s) for build up on the fins. There could be a lot of crud packed in there which would definitely have an effect on air flow and suction.

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