Thread Number: 44749  /  Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Sanitaire EON Allergen SC5505A.
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Post# 464884   7/28/2023 at 18:34 (451 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        

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Works great!! Needs a filter and attachments and wand. I'm asking $200.

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Post# 464889 , Reply# 1   7/28/2023 at 21:09 (451 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
You might want to consider lowering down the price for that condition it's currently in especially if you're doing shipping. I've seen these used on eBay with all the attachments, wand, and new filter plus a complete service and new bags for about $200 or less with free shipping. Not to mention the blue residential models were sold for right at $200 when they were still in production.

Post# 464894 , Reply# 2   7/28/2023 at 22:49 (451 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        

oldcrankman's profile picture
If you buy this for $200 I'll throw commercial vacuum in for free.

Post# 464913 , Reply# 3   7/29/2023 at 14:42 (450 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        

oldcrankman's profile picture
Price went down to $120.

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