Thread Number: 44704  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Hoover Concept One agitator brush inserts
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Post# 464591   7/14/2023 at 16:11 (465 days old) by roger (Orlando, Fl)        

I am currently refurbishing a Concept One that my mother purchased in the early 80s. I need new agitator brushes, which are obsolete. Does anyone know of any other brush inserts that might work for this model with or without minor modification? I read that the Hoover Dial A Magic or the Hoover Convertable models might be similar, but I would like another opinion before I buy them.

Post# 464713 , Reply# 1   7/20/2023 at 21:43 (459 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Get in line with everyone else. Those brush strips have been discontinued for almost 15 years along with the plastic replacement brushroll that followed the metal one. Your best bet is to find a good used brushroll or pay up the wazoo for a one new in package whenever one shows up on eBay.

In regards to Convertible/Dial A Matic brush strips, they will NOT fit in this brushroll. The Concept/Quadraflex strips had a beater/brush stiffer on one end of the end which the Convertible strips do not have. The closest strip I've found to fit was ones out of a Sebo Mechanical 350.

Good luck!

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