Thread Number: 44694  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Rainbow innovations
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Post# 464527   7/12/2023 at 07:42 (468 days old) by electro (Indiana)        

I love it when we find even "small" innovations put in place by a company that makes the product MORE convenient and is not done solely to cut costs.

I had to get a new "squeegee" after 12 years of use on rough cement. I noticed the change in the new tool so the sponge can now easily replaced. Small change but it will be easier to use and change when needed.

I enjoy the fact that Rainbow does come out with new innovative products. I see they have made a change on the power nozzle and returned to the last design for better bare floor pick up.

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Post# 464560 , Reply# 1   7/12/2023 at 22:22 (467 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Power nozzle for the black is average at best. The fact it's wet dry pickup is its best feature. If they got a wessell werk ebk360 and.made it wet and dry that would be the ultimate.

Post# 464567 , Reply# 2   7/13/2023 at 08:54 (467 days old) by electro (Indiana)        

Les, that is interesting about the wessel werk power nozzle . I only used one and I did not like it at all. Yours may have been a different design but the one I used did not have an adequate rug guard. It damaged 2 diffferent rugs edges and it was way too aggressive for my older style rugs. It was so aggressive I was afraid it would "fuzz" the nylon carpet. It many just have been the particular model I used. Interesting.

I don't like most power nozzles just because of the noise and the hair wrapping around the brush roll. I find that happens a lot with our older Electrolux we use upstairs. I have no way to test my Rainbow power nozzle except for the sand and grit in the basin at the end, so I can't make any judgments . I am always surprised when most people do a video of how FAST they vacuum.

Post# 464584 , Reply# 3   7/14/2023 at 02:51 (466 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I bought some more Lemon essential oil.. I still have some orange and eucalyptus but I always seem to use lemon more.. this bottle should last me at least 5 years.. it smells SOOOO GOOD and no chemicals.

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