Thread Number: 44625  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Anybody know how I can get A blue Windsor Sensor commercial upright?
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Post# 464059   6/22/2023 at 12:30 (400 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I last posted anything on this site (and I mean a while), so I'll just give a guick update on the collection.
1. Got a Hoover Windtunnel Dual V :D
2.Got my first German vac, A Bosch Formula Duo canister

Along with that, I plan on fixing up that Bosch I got so it can become a good daily driver to complement my Kirby G7. I also plan on going to my local vac store and seeing if they can take two machines off my hand (those ones from one of my older posts), is that something I can even do at vacuum shops?
Anyways, once I do that, I wanna get a few of my dream machines, which includes a Windsor Sensor upright, more specifically one in blue and white. My question is how can find that specific version of the Sensor, and have it be in decent shape, if that even sounds reasonable. I also don't want it to have a lot of parts mix-matched from the newer black and yellow Sensors (it just looks weird imo).
I'd love to hear your feedback!

Post# 464191 , Reply# 1   6/29/2023 at 10:46 (393 days old) by HappyJigg (Los Angeles, California)        

I was able to find my blue Sensor XP12 on Craigslist a few years ago. It was a guy selling about 30 of them that he got from some business. I've found the same issue you have. These machines don't seem to get sold used that often due to the channels they are bought from and sold to, but I did find a gray Javelin 12x at Goodwill recently, the only time I've seen a Sebo at a thrift store. My suggestion is set saved searches on and check both Craigslist and Offerup frequently. It might take time for one to show up, but it will happen eventually.

Post# 464225 , Reply# 2   6/30/2023 at 13:40 (392 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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Yeah. My fear is that the blue Sensors are staring to become rarer and rarer now that karcher is replacing them with the newer black and yellow ones. I guess I would be fine with one of the newer ones, but it just isn't the same, you know. Like the older Windsors have a very "2000's industrial feel" that makes them look perfect for a hotel if that makes sense. The newer ones just don't give off that same feeling. Anyways I have a saved search for a Windsor Sensor on Ebay, but I'll try to do the same for other websites if I can. Thanks for the feedback! :D

Post# 464232 , Reply# 3   6/30/2023 at 18:32 (392 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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From my understanding, they got rid of the white/blue ones because they were getting more expensive to build. And the grey/yellow ones are supposed to help show where everything's at like the switch, cord, handle release pedal, etc. Just keep your eye out at places like thrift stores, marketplaces, online auctions, etc. I'm sure one would pop up someday for you.

Post# 464318 , Reply# 4   7/4/2023 at 11:51 (388 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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Well, that's a shame they stopped making them bc they were too expensive. I know commercial vacuums are meant to be no-thrills workhorse machines, but black and Grey is such a boring color scheme on them. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to go to a thrift shop in a while, so I've just been looking online for one lately. On top of that, I'm kind of torn on wether I should use my money to buy a sensor, or fix up one of my many broken vacs in my collection, or buy a metal storage shelf for my canister vacuums. Idk what to do. Any suggestions?

Post# 464328 , Reply# 5   7/4/2023 at 22:05 (388 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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Oh yeah, one more thing. I just wanted to ask if the blue and white sensors are getting harder to fine now that they've been replaced by the Karcher variants. I've been paranoid about that ever since learning about how parts for the Windtunnel Self propelleds are no longer being made by TTI. My fear is that the same is true for the Windsor Sensors, but I could be wrong.

Post# 464838 , Reply# 6   7/26/2023 at 12:33 (366 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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Post# 464839 , Reply# 7   7/26/2023 at 12:46 (366 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        
Got one.

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Yeah so basically I got this on Ebay. It just arrived yesterday. It's basically the Windsor that I've always wanted. It's the s12, so it doesn't have the automatic height adjustment (which I didn't want because I've heard from some people that those models don't clean as well, but don't quote me on that).
It's also got all of its tools and original hose, which is also something I wanted. Unfortunately, it's not in the greatest shape (most likely due to it being used in a commercial environment). The vacuum head/motor unit was filthy on the inside, which I tried my best to fix with Lysol wipes. On top of that, the filters were pretty dirty, and there was no bag inside the bag housing, only the collar. Finally, the motor has a bit of a weird sounding whinedown, and a horrible smell. Any advice on how to clean/service it would be greatly appreciated.

Post# 464844 , Reply# 8   7/26/2023 at 16:55 (366 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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I wash all the plastic parts by hand with either 409 or Zep cleaner and then later sanitize them in the dishwasher with either Kirkland or Cascade detergent pods. That should get rid of the smell. I also clean the motor and other electrical components by blowing them out with a air compressor and then later wipe them off the dust with a damp rag. I can't promise that'd get rid of the rest of the odor, but it'd definitely smell better than what it'd be before. Regarding the blue/white parts, as of today you should still be able to find plenty of them that are new old stock. I'm certain Sebo made quite alot of them to use up all the leftover blue/white plastic after they switched over to what they're using now.

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Post# 464848 , Reply# 9   7/26/2023 at 21:00 (366 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Mine has a new brushroll, filters, and both attachments. It was also thoroughly cleaned. In case you ever wanted a second one.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO repairman's LINK on eBay

Post# 464882 , Reply# 10   7/28/2023 at 18:12 (364 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        
Panasonic Vac and repairman

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I already attempted cleaning it out by vacuuming/blowing it out with my Kirby G7, as well as using Lysol wipes, and that did ok I think (at least I was able to restore some order in the brushroll housing, that was disgusting x_x). I might try again with some Zep, as well as removing the electrical components from the vacuum head. I don't feel comfortable with putting it in the dishwasher, however. Also, I forgot to mention a few other problems with the machine in the last post, so here they are:

1. some of the gaskets inside the vacuum head were degrading/rotting.
2. the access port on the bottom of the machine is broken, so it doesn't shut in place at all.
3. the motor had some rust on the exterior of it (the same goes for the rear axle and other metal parts). I seriously hope that isn't anything serious.
4. One of the screw posts that holds the motor cover (the one underneath the post-motor filer) is broken. Idk how bad that is.

Also, I appreciate the offer Repairman, but I've only got so much room here lol.

Post# 465233 , Reply# 11   8/10/2023 at 20:31 (351 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        
Another long overdue update:

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A lot has happened since I made the post showing off my S12. For starters, I got some genuine Sebo parts for it (bags, filters, a new brushroll, and a new trap door for the bottom of the machine). On top of that, I took another Crack at "repairing" it, and it didn't go great. I got it back together, but now it has s few additional problems...

1. There are very audible air leaks coming from the machine (some of the gaskets on the machines are degrading).
2.there is audible squealing of the motor (albeit a it's bit hard to hear)
3.The whinedown sounds a bit rough at times.
4.the check bag light comes on at random times, even when there's nothing blocking the airflow.

So far, it's useable, and I have used it throughout my house to test drive it, but im worried that eventually it's going to die on me. Any help and advice is appreciated.

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Post# 465246 , Reply# 12   8/12/2023 at 08:35 (349 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Bag light

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When you were into the machine did you clean the valve located inside the neck? These are what causes that light to come on in older model machines not sure if it's still used or not in current models. If dust/debris gets into this housing it can cause the bag light to come on. You can also adjust the sensitivity of the bag light by turning a part of the assembly.

As for the motor, I'm not sure of your skill level but if you do have the skills and tools for it those bearings can be replaced as the geared belt shaft should be removable my friend and I replaced bearings in a very cheap but...worn X4 just be sure you get your bearing spacing right or you can break the cover over the front bearing like my stupid ass did.

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Post# 465250 , Reply# 13   8/12/2023 at 10:11 (349 days old) by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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As a matter of fact, I did remove the bypass valve and vacuumed it off with my Kirby. Just for the record, it only sometimes comes on when I'm using it, and only stays on for a few seconds at a time. Other than that, it seems to work just fine.

As for the bearings... yeah my skill level ain't there for it. Maybe all it needs is some lubricating, and maybe a bit of commutator cleaning, or maybe another moving part inside it needs lubricating, idk.

Oh yeah, I for to mention one last thing. During my first time taking it apart, there was a peice of foam that was held in the right swivel neck support that was located right next to the PCB board. What was that for? And was it important? Because it was completely degraded when I first found it, so I removed it.

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