Thread Number: 44607  /  Tag: Recent/New Polishers/Floor Care Products
Hoover Elite Power Scrub
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Post# 463828   6/13/2023 at 18:41 (496 days old) by adiostoreador (Fredonia, NY)        

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So a little while back I bought this new Carpet Shampooer from Ollie’s. My old one was finally on its last leg and so I figured time to invest in a new one. This model from what I can tell was a $170-$200 dollar system originally and it was the TOL model. It had decent reviews so I decided to see how much they were at Ollie’s and I about had to pinch myself, $100 dollars for it. I am not too sure if these are a refurb or a buyout of an old color they discontinued, I lean towards buyout as it came in an original Hoover box with all the expected kit and caboodle. Today I finally got to use it as I felt my carpets need it. I started with my living room and will slowly move through the house on my days off. I vacuumed the carpet in the living room with my Miele U1 AutoEco before I started to make sure they were as clean as can be and then I was off. The Hoover did excellent work on the carpets and they felt mostly dry to very slightly damp thanks to the forced heat. I was amazed with what it pulled out and it is SUPER easy to use. I especially like the fact it has a twin chamber design for the water/solution, have the dial set one way to wash the other way to rinse! I usually would just refill the tank on my old cleaner with water to do a rinse after washing so I found this nice to have as it kinda cuts out a step in the process. Plus I do like not having to mix the solution, just fill and go and its mixed as needed. Overall I think I got a good machine for the money and am fairly impressed with the results. Hope it last as long as the old cleaner did!

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Post# 463831 , Reply# 1   6/13/2023 at 19:57 (496 days old) by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

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Does  it  have a  hose   for  upholstery   and  above  floor  cleaning?  

Post# 463832 , Reply# 2   6/13/2023 at 20:40 (496 days old) by adiostoreador (Fredonia, NY)        

adiostoreador's profile picture
Yes it does! I did clean some spot stains on my couch while I had the machine out.

Post# 463836 , Reply# 3   6/14/2023 at 03:39 (496 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

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These are GREAT but I think the reason they are so cheap or on sale is that they are no longer Hoover's TOL...they are sort of an older model that they continue to manufacture (from what I understand) one thing you DEFINITELY want to do is this:

When you're Done...take everything apart, let the machine run for like 5 min's with the tanks off...just to let air dry the turbine...then just place the washed tanks, and all parts in front of a fan and make sure everything is super dry before storing...

Why? Because that turbine can rust over time and stop spinning. I think just making sure it's dry helps a lot. I have a similar model..It's the turbo scrub version from home depot...

Hoover carpet cleaners are much better at extraction than the Bissel's... I'm not sure why...Any Bissel I've ever used leaves way too much water in my berber... but the Hoover's don't.

Post# 463852 , Reply# 4   6/15/2023 at 00:54 (495 days old) by adiostoreador (Fredonia, NY)        

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Just wanna start off and say I’ve been reading your post for awhile and you just seem to be a wealth of knowledge. With that being said I already do everything you mentioned hold for running the machine dry. Thought never occurred to do. I do agree with you about Hoover Carpet Washers though! I have used Bissell’s before as well as Dirt Devil (Back when the Dirt Devil Featherlite was a thing. I don’t think they make anything more than a spot cleaner now) and in addition to the fact it seems to pull more of the water out I like the was the spin scrub agitates the carpet. I feel it really gets in there you know.

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