Thread Number: 44552  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Some vintage fans at antique mall.
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Post# 463386   5/26/2023 at 19:10 (505 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        

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Some interesting fans I found up here.

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Post# 463422 , Reply# 1   5/28/2023 at 20:20 (503 days old) by Centralvacs1928 (Chicagoland)        

Neat, the grille design on the last one is kind of crazy.

Did you buy any?

Post# 463428 , Reply# 2   5/29/2023 at 10:50 (503 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        
Too exspensive

oldcrankman's profile picture
I pass on them for now.

Post# 463429 , Reply# 3   5/29/2023 at 14:24 (503 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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That one on the pedestal would have been used in a sweatshop back in the days, like a textile factory, or anywhere with lots of workers in one room sitting doing a task,

Post# 463556 , Reply# 4   6/3/2023 at 05:50 (498 days old) by OldCrankman (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)        
Probably Huskyvacs

oldcrankman's profile picture
Your probably right.

Post# 463635 , Reply# 5   6/6/2023 at 10:29 (495 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

Cool old fans - I have over a dozen of them but still enjoy looking at more. Lots of history behind them...
Yes, that last one had a unique diffuser setup, as if it was supposed to blow more air straight ahead rather than all around - a 'spotlight' setup for a fan...

I have not picked up any more fans for a while as the prices have really gone up. Even total junkers can be priced at around 100.
If I find one under 50 that I like I may get it, though not as easy as it was 11 years ago when I had started collecting fans.

Post# 463680 , Reply# 6   6/7/2023 at 17:52 (493 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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I have quite a few old fans I pick up all over, I donlt recall paying anything more than $10 for them. But they are all run into the ground when I find them. Takes a lot of work to get them back into action again. This one beautiful metal box fan I got, it is so filthy and smelled so badly like drugs, I swear someone used it to operate their drug room. I sealed it in a trash bag with about 20 lbs of baking soda for about 5 months and it worked to get the stink out.

Post# 463710 , Reply# 7   6/8/2023 at 11:30 (493 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

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I got two freebies, back when I was actively collecting.
A turquoisey Eskimo box fan, that a small local restaurant used to use to draw hot air out of their kitchen. Needless to say, it was a bit greasy. But, it cleaned up pretty nice, and seems to work fine.
Another one was an oscillating Westinghouse; probably a Lively Air. It's also turquoise.
I've done nothing with that one since rescuing it from the trash. I don't do mechanical work on anything; I just clean them up. This one would need work, as the cord was cut off, and the motor is very stiff. You can turn the blades by hand, but it's not easy. It looks pretty, though.


Post# 463712 , Reply# 8   6/8/2023 at 12:08 (493 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

I have rescued three vintage box fans from the curb in the past several years.
The newest was a Toastmaster from the early 90s, the newest I would keep. It was greasy and full of dog hair. Took me over a year to get to that one. It cleaned up nicely, the plastic grills being cleaned easily with oven cleaner. Simple green did the metal painted stuff.

The other two fans had metal blades.
One was aqua and white and I restored it (no repaint).
The other was poorly-painted an ugly green and has a two speed pushbutton switch. It is my patio fan so I did nothing to it, other than giving it a few drops of oil. It works well, despite its looks.

The all-metal desk/stand fans command the highest prices here and I have never found one of those in the trash.

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