Thread Number: 44534  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
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Post# 463205   5/18/2023 at 06:52 (523 days old) by EUREKA1998 (New York )        

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Years ago I saw in an office an Old Hoover TurboPower and an Oreck XL commercial. If you told me one day that Oreck would have HOOVER slapped across it i would've thought you were nuts. Lots of vacs now appear to have the same molds with different brand named printed on it because of the big mergers like TTI. And probably some other mergers too. Just curious what some of the vacuumland members think about this situation. Is it good or bad in your eyes? Here is a new Hoover (Oreck) "Primelite". It looks nice though I think.

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Post# 463206 , Reply# 1   5/18/2023 at 08:12 (523 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Not fond of it

blackheart's profile picture
We've seen the Hoover name on the cordless orecks we've seen the royal name on an oreck too. It's weird but I can't say I'm surprised by it.

Post# 463207 , Reply# 2   5/18/2023 at 08:36 (523 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Cordless Oreck-Now you see it, now you don’t. Poof!

That cordless Oreck that bore the Hoover OnePwr name is now history. I found no trace of it on Hoover’s website. This means that currently Hoover only offers one cordless machine with “HEPA”- ish filtration. This is sad. This isn’t real Hoover anymore. It’s Hoover back from the dead…the “zombie” version.

Post# 463208 , Reply# 3   5/18/2023 at 11:08 (522 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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Maybe Dirt Devil would eventually follow along. I'd like to see a bagged portable Dirt Devil again, only the central vacs are bagged now.

Post# 463210 , Reply# 4   5/18/2023 at 15:23 (522 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
Yeah it's kind of a shame they were hovering around 200 for a while which is a pretty good deal but the design lives on under the commercial lineup with a 40v battery now. OH I guess those orecks as seen above are part of the commercial lineup

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Post# 463212 , Reply# 5   5/18/2023 at 19:05 (522 days old) by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
There was also already a Hoover badged Oreck commercial unit. Only ONE video of the thing exists though.


Post# 463235 , Reply# 6   5/19/2023 at 23:50 (521 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Good to see the original style Oreck in production. That makes it easy to get parts for units going back 20+ years.

Post# 463245 , Reply# 7   5/20/2023 at 10:47 (520 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
I’m already bored with it.

The vacuum cleaner industry used to be so dynamic and full of innovation. Nowadays, if the big name companies aren’t licensing their own brand names on Oreck and Tacony products, they just take their own canister and slap it together with Wessel-Werk attachments. Sometimes it feels like this industry is out of fresh ideas.

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