Thread Number: 44524  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Kirby motor bearing
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Post# 463151   5/15/2023 at 11:39 (525 days old) by Glen86 (Ohio)        

Hello, I'm currently working with a Kirby Sentria 1 and I'm replacing the bearings. The rear motor bearing is double metal shielded. But a supplier sent me a rubber-shielded one instead. I am going to call them back about it. But I never did find out why Kirby chose to go with a metal shield on the rear. I only assumed it was for durability purposes. But can someone explain why they chose metal over rubber? Thanks.

Post# 463169 , Reply# 1   5/16/2023 at 07:37 (525 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

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From what I've read the metal shielded ones are better for high speed environments due to the heat conductivity of the metal. Where rubber gaskets are better for keeping material out of the bearings like dirt or water.
You can use either or in many cases, it seems. I tend to use rubber ones for water filtration machines or in machines with terrible filtration at least on the front one.

Post# 463196 , Reply# 2   5/17/2023 at 10:53 (523 days old) by juju93 (South Georgia)        

its time kirby come out with a new model. Sentria 4 is well over 5yr old and its time for something new to come out, even if its another G-series (sadly).

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