Thread Number: 44495  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
So....I did a thing!
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Post# 462907   5/5/2023 at 22:10 (493 days old) by Canisterman (Mocksville NC)        

As some of my old friends know, ive had some health issues the last 5 years or so, The arthritis and eye issues made me realize I needed to downsize and make my collection more manageable, A good friend left this afternoon with all but a very few uprights, I kept 6 Kirbys 2 Royals, 1 GE and 3 Hoovers , He is coming back to start on the canisters and tanks next, He also took ALL the Apex machines i had, my goal is to keep a total of no more than 25 or so machines same with the mixers and blenders, I feel so relieved to know this stuff will be cared for , I saved much of this stuff years ago as it was a gift from Mike Hays,its time to pass it on.

Post# 462908 , Reply# 1   5/6/2023 at 06:01 (492 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

This post has been removed by the webmaster.

Post# 462923 , Reply# 2   5/6/2023 at 19:58 (492 days old) by Canisterman (Mocksville NC)        
The above comment!

Reinforces the decision I made to leave some of the vacuum collecting groups,I find it funny that someone would find it necessary to make a rude bitter comment to me about something that was absolutely none of their business, I associate with people who treat me like a friend, I am very kind and generous to people who are my friends, I dare say you can ask many people who has given or sold at very reasonable prices vacuums to them and my name will come up, Also, to speak so disrespectfully of someone like my friend Chris, who is truly one of the best friends ive ever had, who has been so kind and generous and helpful to me, especially when i was going thru the health issues, is just simply disgusting, Some people are so bitter they couldnt get along with a piece of chocolate cake, I can assure you before some of those people will get any of these machines ill pile them up and burn them in the yard!

Post# 462924 , Reply# 3   5/6/2023 at 20:04 (492 days old) by Canisterman (Mocksville NC)        
And this makes my decision

Very easy to leave here again, I was hoping the drama of past years would not return but it has, im too old and in too bad of health to deal with it,

Post# 462931 , Reply# 4   5/7/2023 at 00:43 (492 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Don't worry about whatever dirty laundry people want to hang on the line, just report the comment to the moderator and have it removed for being off topic or harassment. If he has a problem with whoever this person is he should say it to them himself and not speak through others.

" very little of what he already has is restored or functional" - as my own reply to that statement - who here doesn't have a large room of vacuum projects? Literally everyone does. Doesn't mean they are disrespectful or uncaring. I have saved vacuums from house teardowns that are sitting in my garage for years, where they are safe and in no danger of being in a landfill, so that much already is a win in my book.

Hans I am sure the vacuums you gifted will be well appreciated and well loved, and I wouldn't worry.

Post# 462932 , Reply# 5   5/7/2023 at 02:02 (492 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Hans, I am sorry for you that Will Hemb felt the need to make such a mean spirited comment. Just remember, you are doing the right thing for YOU - and that's all that matters. Just make sure you save the machines that mean the most to you, and of course that you enjoy using.

I seriously do hope you don't leave Vacuumland again. I consider you a friend after talking to you on the phone and through Facebook, and you're a awesome guy. All of us here at Vacuumland are better for having your insights, wisdom and knowledge. Just report any nasty comments, and block the person's posts and move on is the best thing to do when someone gets under your skin here.

Post# 462933 , Reply# 6   5/7/2023 at 02:08 (492 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
Will Hemb!

kirbylux77's profile picture
You have a TON of nerve for making such a nasty, mean spirited remark towards Hans and his friend Chris! Last time I checked, it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS who Hans decides to give his vacuums to, and how that person will care for them! Hans is a mature, independent adult male, capable of making his own decisions and using sound judgment to decide who will be worthy and take good care of the machines he gives away.

Butt out and mind your own business!

Post# 462936 , Reply# 7   5/7/2023 at 09:03 (491 days old) by Speedqueen (Harrison Twp MI)        
Will Hemb

I for one have finally had enough of you. You've trashed Chris privately to all of his friends, and trashed others behind their backs, if you believe that people don't compare notes you are mistaken.

Until now I have shut up and put on a smile because I haven't wanted to stir things up but this post is an outrage and YOUR true colors are showing in public. Last year when me and Chris visited Hemb's collection we were both impressed I must say, he treated us with hospitality and we enjoyed the experience. Afterwards, a strange thing happened we BOTH were messaged by Hemb to state that the other's mere presence there ruined the fun how much better it would be if we ditched the other one on the next visit.

-Richard Jolly

Post# 462940 , Reply# 8   5/7/2023 at 09:43 (491 days old) by Dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Chris would be there for you in a heartbeat if you needed him. He’s one of those kinds of friends. Why not see your collection go to someone who actually cares about you? And you did. It’s really that simple. Oh, and congratulations on downsizing. You have been offering those machines to your friends for years. I am both thankful and grateful to have a number of them in my collection. Including probably the rarest machine of all, the very first Kenmore with a power nozzle. You are a very well loved man by your real friends.

Post# 462955 , Reply# 9   5/7/2023 at 11:36 (491 days old) by Kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
I wouldn’t blame anyone for downsizing or who the individual wants to sell/give away too. Personally, I think its a great decision to downsize. I’m trying to do something similar myself with my modern vacs I don’t care that much about. After all it’s just vacuum cleaners.

Post# 462961 , Reply# 10   5/7/2023 at 14:19 (491 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture

I can only speak for myself, but I was very glad to see you had decided to return to Vacuumland. You've always made positive and beneficial contributions to the conversations here. I hope you won't let one malcontented person, who is likely more unhappy with himself than anything else, ruin the experience for you. You are wise to downsize as you see fit. After all, it's your stuff! I wish my dad had chosen to do that with his collections (antique toys, antique cars, art glass, etc.) instead of just burdening the family with it after his passing. Then again, he was just following an example set by his own parents and grandparents.

Post# 462965 , Reply# 11   5/7/2023 at 19:48 (491 days old) by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        

Hi Hans, I just wanted to repeat what kirbylux77 wrote "All of us here at Vacuumland are better for having your insights,wisdom and knowledge." This! I've always enjoyed reading your posts and replies to others. You have a good soul. I've always wanted to meet you in person and hopefully that will happen some day.

I've only been here since 2017 but I can tell you in all honesty that the skirmishes and drama has all but disappeared here. If there are any little flare ups, rare,they are handled immediately. I'm impressed! The information given here is priceless and you've been a big part of that. I hope you will reconsider and stay.


Post# 463031 , Reply# 12   5/8/2023 at 19:08 (490 days old) by Canisterman (Mocksville NC)        
Thanks guys

Im not going to let one comment make me leave, your support means more than you know, im dealing with chronic RA pain and my fuse is a little short.

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