Thread Number: 44483  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Interesting Kirby 1cr KC estate sale find
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Post# 462798   5/2/2023 at 08:21 (451 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

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Chad and I did our usual estate sales this weekend and happened to come across this Kirby 1cr. This Kirby was interesting because it had an attachment box with it believed to be from a 505. The owner had also written very meticulous notes to herself and mentions a 1st Kirby quite often. A dual 50 Kirby cord was also in the box, and she makes a note to herself about putting the black cord back on and removing the replacement cord. Attached to the crevice tool for the classic was a note that says the first Kirby was destroyed in 2006. Chad and I separated the 505 attachments from the classic and he took the older tools.

In the box were some very long belts that said, "for waxer". Probably for the polisher that fits underneath the nozzle for the 1st Kirby.

Anyway, it's interesting that a non-collector would write (in detail) this much about a vacuum cleaner. It was a chronological history of her life associated with her possessions.

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Post# 462801 , Reply# 1   5/2/2023 at 09:37 (451 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

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Some people are just into documenting things. Both of my grandmothers were that way. It made for an interesting time, going through their possessions.

Post# 462803 , Reply# 2   5/2/2023 at 12:10 (451 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

Cool find!

My mom is well known for doing this about nearly everything including herself.
She has a binder for all of the things she has done around the house - watering, fertilizing, painting, etc.
She also has a medical folder. And a car folder. And a.....................

At least I can say she is well organized and keeps up with things, although maybe TOO well..
I'm about only 1/4 as bad...

Post# 462808 , Reply# 3   5/2/2023 at 14:35 (451 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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I got a Royal hand vac that was documented the exact same way. This is just how the people of that generation kept track of things. No computers, no Internet, no PHONES, they just had a pen and a paper.

I know how myself is too, and I know I forget things often so I'm always writing notes to myself for what things need what so I don't forget why I'm still keeping them or why it is sitting around somewhere.

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