Thread Number: 44480  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Neato Robotics is being shut down after 18 years
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Post# 462783   5/1/2023 at 15:09 (452 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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I'm not sure if anyone here cares about them, but it's vacuum news nonetheless.

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Post# 462787 , Reply# 1   5/1/2023 at 18:33 (452 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
I’m not surprised.

Their customer service is horrible. Their in house technicians are so inept that it took an outside company specializing in out of warranty repairs to fix the glitches in my D7.

Post# 462805 , Reply# 2   5/2/2023 at 12:19 (451 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

So are they going to remotely disable all devices that connect to their servers?
It would surprise me in the least if they did.
Long live the vintage Kirbys!

Post# 462809 , Reply# 3   5/2/2023 at 14:36 (451 days old) by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

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Well Vorwerk will support them for the next 5 years but after that I presume you are SOL.

Post# 462964 , Reply# 4   5/7/2023 at 19:32 (446 days old) by ajr2993 (Bakersfield, CA)        

I don't like robot vacuums in my opinion. They don't deep clean carpets that well, they have a tiny dustbin, and worst of all, they have shitty mapping, meaning that they get stuck on cords, spread dog shit every wear, and have uneven cleaning paths. Robot vacuums are only meant for quick touchups and shouldn't be for deep cleaning.

Post# 462972 , Reply# 5   5/8/2023 at 02:37 (446 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
It's a shame

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I Like their robots more than many of the other ones. The full sized brushroll I feel will deliver a better cleaning than many of the competitors which use a narrow brushroll with two side brushes. In addition to that their navigation while imperfect seemed to do a good job.
I do feel they were a little behind the times not offering a self emptying solution of some sort but even so it's a shame that one of the better names in robot vacuums is gone.

Post# 462973 , Reply# 6   5/8/2023 at 05:45 (445 days old) by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
I love my Neato D7!

They’re easy to like after having owned another brand. Their LIDAR navigation was way better than some of the camera based systems out there. I’m hoping that they’ll set us up for posterity and we can use the robots unplugged. What I mean is that we can continue to use the robots without the need for their server. I don’t need to be connected to them for anything. I don’t need to get text messages from them either because they never cared about me.

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