Thread Number: 44473  /  Tag: Vintage Floor Polishers/Floor Care Products
Electrolux Canada Floor Polisher 2101 - How to Lubricate ?
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Post# 462698   4/28/2023 at 18:09 (564 days old) by win31 (Ontario, CAnada)        

I have an electrolux 2101 canada floor polisher that is in severe need of lube. What do I need in terms of oil or grease and where does it go? Any help, thanks!

Post# 462754 , Reply# 1   4/30/2023 at 11:26 (563 days old) by Collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

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What requires lube? The gears are on bushings that are packed with absorbent material. You soak that with 3 in `1 oil. Other than that the motor bearing dont usually get greased - lol just replaced.

Post# 462762 , Reply# 2   4/30/2023 at 14:06 (563 days old) by win31 (Ontario, CAnada)        

After about an hour it started to slow down so I shut it off -- couldn't turn the brushes by hand. I disassembled and repacked the three capped reservoirs with 3-in-1. The spiral/helical drive gear from the motor looked real rusty so I shot it with WD40. Reassembled and tried it. It seems better. Oh, and I can turn the brushes by hand again now.


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